Hi (Saori Hara Alliance)
thanks for the info johnyhorse..... and welcome to our humble thread
As Sir alternity said welcome to the SHA and thanks for the info and the link.
I been on facebook before and I have not seen any post's by miss Saori on there. http://www.facebook.com/harasaori
As Sir alternity will tell you I am not much into facebook..I have not even Joined( I must be the only person who has not)::dunno:
but I joined, just to look at the link Sir johnyhorse. gave me and guess what miss Saori as started posting on the wall!:surprised:
Here are miss Saori posts
Saori Hara
The beach was so beautiful. I went with 3 friends (2 men and 2 women) the beach was empty and we decided to have some naughty fun...
13 August at 05:14
Saori Hara Japanese AV Star
drunk and hungry!!!!
07 August at 14:48
Saori Hara Japanese AV Star
hangover !!!
24 July at 04:05
Saori Hara Japanese AV Star
If people on this page are making fake profiles of me or using my pictures on your profile you will be removed.
06 July at 02:24
Saori Hara Japanese AV Star
My first wall post! What do you want to see here?
04 July at 04:33
And this guy from Egypt was talking with her on the Discussion Board..I will not put the Discussion on here, but he ask her if she do a webchat and she said this
Saori Hara Japanese AV Star
I do not speak English, everything on here is translated for me so we can not talk also I would charge for video chat
Now I would be over the moon knowing she is alive and well, I know its the same face book page I been going on for over a year now..
but I am really confused.. is this really miss Saori doing these post.
If this is trulymiss Saori , she sounds fine, so all I can say the reported nervous breakdown can't been true..but Sir lowleg26 did say a while back
Well, I'm not an expert but my understanding is that "nervous breakdown" is somewhat of a broad term. It doesn't necessarily mean that a person has temporarily lost their mind, It may just mean they have responded to an event by slipping into a big slump. I'm guessing in Saori's case it would refer to a increase in symptoms of depression or anxiety. This is depressing news if true, but, since she already is taking meds for anxiety, she is probably taking the proper steps to work through it. Without more info, its impossible to tell the extent of her condition. For all we know, she may just be exhausted.
So she may been just exhausted???:exhausted: but now she sounds ok.
This bring up more qustions, why did she quit??
Did something happen in earthquake and tsunami that change her mind on what do with her life?
By the sound of the Discussion with the guy from Egypt..she would do a webchat, but would charge for it..so it sounds like she would do AV again??:dunno:
Maybe she had a falling out with her agency AEG ,maybe they tried to get her back, thats why its taken SOD so long to release that graduation video.
Maybe they thought she would come back???:dunno:
But one thing I do find strange is all her fans are worried about her,, we don't know if she was alive, and her first ever post on her facebook page is
My first wall post! What do you want to see here?
Just a bit strange to me...I know when it comes to miss Saori, I do wear rose tinted glasses, she's perfect to me, But I thought she would say something from the heart?:casual:
All I can say is this, she kept her name Saori Hara, so maybe we will see her back soon and if this is truly the girl we all love miss Saori doing these posts on facebook, I for one will be very relieved and happy she is ok and having fun..that's all I wanted
So thank you Sir johnyhorse a million for the link and putting a smile back on my face(for now at least):cheer:
I love to know what you all think, on this one..is this really miss Saori