Suzumiya Haruhi Season 2

I think they are overdoing it a bit, Endless Eight is not good enough for spend so many episodes on it.
Anyway, I always like when an anime studio take some risks and try different things, even if the outcome is not so good.
I guess this shit goes on for two more episodes? Really disappointed with this season so far. I doubt I'd watch all of these episodes again.
I've only watched Episode 1 so far. I read on a.f.k's site that Endless 8 will air on September 1. Then I started watching Episode 2 and noticed it was called "Endless 8." Curious, I stopped it, and loaded Episode 3. Then 4. Then 5. All "Endless 8." "Oooooooodd," I said to myself. I figured it must mean that September 1 is when Endless 8 wraps up? or when the next Endless 8 episode airs? or something?

All I know is, I probably won't watch any of the new episodes until September 1. Playin' it safe.
lol you really shouldn't be wasting your time reading those comments. the ones defending the EE arc may just well be real die hard fans. remember the Hirano Aya and Chihara Minori incident at Malaysia?
oh dear god i just made a horrifying realization....the title Endless Eight is mainly due to their August not ending ryt? What if Kyo Ani is actually planning to let this arc last 8 episodes? Good lord (Haruhi in this case?) have mercy....
I had a similar thought just now, Rein, before I reached your post and while reading Ben's. I think you're probably correct: there will be 8 episodes of this "Endless Eight" arc.

Is its repetition similar to the repetition one experiences when playing through different storylines of an eroge? If that's the case, then I don't think it's too bad, although I admit to having not seen it for myself yet so maybe I don't know.
there are some minor differences i.e. costumes and some lines. but its still not worth the agony. i've seen 3 eps of it and i'm afraid to watch anymore less i end up murdering my metamo yuki.
Given all of the fuss, I decided to go ahead and watch it. Already having five out of a predicted eight episodes for this story arc, I figured, "Why not?"


Episode 2 was okay. But it was also nothing more than filler. If the story had ended here, that is. Don't get me wrong: it was fun in its own ways. It showed the gang at the pool. It showed us how the SOS団 came to acquire the frog suit we saw in Season 1's most boring episode ever. It suggested to fans that, in Haruhi's universe, Martians now most definitely do exist and are simply hiding deep beneath the surface. It had that humorous scene where Yuki mistakenly captured a rare Hercules beetle instead of the common cicada. And the end of the episode, with Kyon throwing in the towel regarding his unfinished summer homework, was funny too. Oh yeah! How could I forget the Obon festival? M-i-k-u-r-u--c-h-a-n! ^___________^

But that's all Episode 2 was: fanservice filler.


Episode 3 was amazing. Not because of what it was by itself, but because of what it was juxtaposed with Episode 2. It was fantastic to see how things mostly played out the same but how certain things did not. Yuki chose a different mask. The gang showed up on August 17th in different clothes than before. The swimsuits were different. The yukatas were different. The bug that Yuki caught was different. So on and so forth.

But of course the show stealer was the late-night emergency meeting. Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

Kyon trying to stop Haruhi from leaving was probably the second best scene in Episode 3. Really dramatic, really cool.


Episode 4 was good. It was the first episode we got to see after learning about the infinite closed time loop, and that's all it needed to be in order to be enjoyable. It was fundamentally very little different from Episode 3. But what was important was that in Episode 3, we'd only just learned about the loop, whereas in Episode 4, we had anxiety the entire time. We wondered just when Kyon would discover the truth. We anxiously observed all of the subtle differences and similarities between these 2 weeks and the previous ones. And the scene on August 30th at the cafe was just as nail-biting as before. Good, but not great. Episode 3 was of course better.


Episode 5 was excellent. I know I'll probably surprise people by saying this. Most people probably lost their patience with this episode. They probably wanted Episode 4 to be the last one, and they were probably livid when they reached the end of 5 only to discover that it, too, was not the final episode of the story arc. But personally? Kyon's early anxiety made this episode for me. It was the first time where we saw him almost frightened by how similar shit was to him. He was sweating at the pool when he predicted what was going to happen. He was scared when Haruhi made her list of summer activities and Itsuki asked to look at it. I dunno. Again, the episode was "same old same old" as far as plot events go, but Kyon's emotional distress in this episode sold it for me. I really liked it. It was good. Had me on the edge of my seat.


Episode 6. Yeah. For me personally, I too wanted this one to be the last one. I knew it wouldn't be because of two things. First of all, the name "Endless Eight" is practically begging Kyoto Animation to produce eight episodes. Second of all, in the story itself the closed loop occurs from August 17th through to August 31st. The idea is that September 1st never comes. So of course it's only fitting that the final episode of the story air close to September 1st, such that when (in the real world) it becomes September 1st, fans can say, "Lol, it's September 1st because Kyon finally solved the riddle and broke through the closed time loop. :)"

But that stated, I still hoped Episode 6 would be more entertaining than it was. It was not. :| It was almost an exact replica (emotionally) of Episode 4. It wasn't as tense though as 3, 4, and 5 were. 3 was tense because we learned of the loop then. 4 was tense because it was the first episode to air right after we learned of the loop. And 5 was tense because it seemed like Kyon might actually solve the case. But 6? Episode 6 felt like a big step backwards. :| Kyon seemed to be really out of touch with the déjà vu this time around. The moment this one started, you knew it wouldn't be the one to end the arc. And that's probably why it failed. :|


I am a fan of this story arc. I am a fan of Kyoto Animation's presentation of this story arc. I agree that it's got old with Episode 6. (I know many of you feel it got old much sooner than this.) But you know something?

You're missing the point if you feel that Kyoto Animation is wasting your time. You're totally, totally missing the point. How do you think Nagato Yuki felt, huh? How do you think she felt to go through this hell over 15,521 times? To be approached by the same people with the same stupid, tired comments time after time after time? How do you think she kept her sanity? That her existence (sort of) transcends space-time does not imply that she can escape this loop. She is very much trapped within it just as much as the others. She can't go home. She can't leave. She is a prisoner in this hell. And has to experience it 15,521 times whereas you've only had to experience it 5. Five episodes. That's all you've seen. Five 25-minute episodes. She's lived 595 years of this.

That's the whole point of this episode. If you're not interested in Yuki, I can see why the episodes might not seem worth it, but she's my favorite character in the series right after Kyon (even if I do prefer Mikuru based on looks), and this has been quite insightful into her character.

Remember in Season 1 how Kyon discovered that Nagato does attempt to have fun, and does so in rather odd ways? Like how she wanted to play with the PC club? Or how she may have been the one to generate the worm that caused the PC club's president to vanish that one time? Or how she refused to open the door on the mystery island because Haruhi told her "don't open it under any circumstances" but then when Kyon asked her to Yuki did open it?

Keep that in mind when you watch these episodes. And look for what she's been doing this time around as a result of that. In order to keep her sanity, what has she done?
  • She goes to different parts of the pool to see what it takes for Kyon to notice her. So far, he appears to have always noticed her. Aww. :3
  • She gets a different mask every time.
  • She doesn't let Kyon pay for it because she wants him to pay her back when it would actually mean something, and not when time is just going to loop back over once again.
  • Every time they go bug hunting, she challenges herself to find an exotic bug as quickly as possible. A different exotic bug every time. And just to be cute and fun, she toys with Kyon by presenting it to him as though she is ignorant of what a cicada is. It's her way of being coquettish. Aww. :3 And just think: she's probably caught thousands of different species of insects by now! XD She's become quite the entomologist!

On and on the list goes. Pay attention to Yuki, ignore the others, and I think in that manner you'll find these episodes more enjoyable.

Not trolling.
It looks like everyone is full of misinformation these days. lol
  • a few months back, a friend of mine told me that Endless Eight had two parts. [hide]One was where Kyon didn't do his homework, and the other was where he did. The one where he didn't do it, he had many adventures with Haruhi. The one where he did do it, he was bored all summer but at least he got his homework done.[/hide]
  • the enraged fans online are spreading around a lie as though it were fact that Endless Eight was only 30 pages long. This is simply not true. It begins on Page 007. Pages 077 and 078 are where Kyon climactically tries to think of what to say to keep Haruhi from leaving. And the chapter ends on Page 085. Meaning it's about 70 pages long, not 30. :P

Anyway, I couldn't resist the temptation. I had a theory which I'd built around these two pieces of misinformation and decided to investigate. To see if my theory was right or not. And I was close! Oh so very close! But the misinformation I'd received naturally led me off the path. The true ending makes a hell of a lot more sense. If the English fan-translation fucked up and claimed that the chapter had two different endings, then it fucked up big time.

[hide]Picture the chapter as being Episode 3. That's the one which is the closest fit to what's in the book.

Now, picture this. At the end when Haruhi gets up to leave, Kyon gets up, too, and tries to think of something to say and stop her. Just like in Episodes 3 through 6.

Now, this time, for the first time, Kyon actually thinks of what to say. He racks his brains trying to figure out what they still haven't done. And he remembers ... his homework.

He mentions that he couldn't get it done because they've been hanging out with Haruhi all summer. Haruhi says he's stupid. She then asks Itsuki to chime in, but Itsuki admits that he also has not completed his homework yet and for the very same reason as Kyon. (His is half-done, while of course we know that Kyon's hasn't even been touched.) This is when the group (minus Haruhi) realizes that they're on to something very important. Haruhi asks Kyon and Itsuki and Yuki to come to a homework session. Kyon agrees and invites Asahina-san along too, despite the fact that she's in the grade above theirs. When they ask where they'll be doing it, Kyon says they'll do it at his place. And they do.

The story ends with a tongue-in-cheek admonishment from the author to the reader. Kyon and Itsuki are chatting and they agree that from now on they'll have a "No Late Homework" rule. That way they won't ever have to go through this again. :P[/hide]

I like it. :) I like it a lot, actually. Is it a shame that Endless Eight won't be done for at least another two episodes? Yeah, I guess it is. But at the same time, I don't understand all of the rage. I think only two kinds of people are guilty of such emotions:

(1) attention-seeking trolls who are acting all big and hurt when really it's not that big of a deal to them, or else
(2) people who are unhealthily obsessed with the series and feel that pranks like this are in poor taste

Personally? I really like it. The original book only had the reader sit through the adventure once, but the anime has forced him to sit through it seven times. I really, really like this. Because whether he finds it boring or not, it forces him to consider poor Nagato-san's situation.

Personally? I think the former director's comments were way out of line. He was let go (or chose to leave, whoever's story you choose to believe) for a good reason, but that doesn't mean that the man who replaced him is a buffoon. And he's just one man: it takes an entire team to produce an anime, and if most of the people on the team today were on the team in 2006, we shouldn't expect too much to have changed. Notice that he didn't say anything until after the Internet Rage Machine knocked on his door. If he really had thought that this was such a bad idea, he would have blogged about it much sooner, I think. I guarantee you that he was waiting to see which way the fans would go. If they had said "THIS IS AWESOME!" then he would have just kept quiet. I guarantee it. He's just milking this opportunity for all it's worth because he no longer is part of the incredibly successful Kyoto Animation team.
TBH I really don't know what to think of this Endless Eight business. I can see why many fans loathe the repetition...even I found it tiresome, esp. when after 5 eps the story still seems to go nowhere; on the other hand even though each ep are practically the same KyoAni wasn't cutting corners and animated each of the eps individually...but honestly even then I don't think that'll compensate for the fact that they're still making the same eps over and over again and unless they give a satisfactory resolution to wrap the story up (I haven't read the novels), heads will roll and Tokyo Bay will turn to piss.
Wow, I don't think I've ever disagreed with you more Sakun. Well, I think you made a passing mention about how you don't like JRPGs, which just so happens to be my favorite genre of game - so I guess I fully disagreed with you then too. But that's not important.

Firstly. I guess I'm surprised to see someone who clearly has good taste from what I can tell, who likes this arc. I'm now forced to accept the fact that there are fans out there who legitimately like this are.

However, I still don't agree with you. I still think it's bullshit. And not because I think Kyoto Animation is being lazy or anything. As Howdy mentioned above, they have animated each of the episodes individually instead of just reusing the same footage. They're also taking this story directly from the novel, so they aren't lacking for creativity. No, I don't have many problems with Kyoto Animation. They are my favorite studio, and more often than not it's a KyotoAni anime that makes it to the top of my anime of the year list each year. The only other time I can think to "fault" them for is Clannad After Story, which I thought was total garbage compared to the original series. But then again, that's probably more Key's fault than KyotoAni.

No, my problem is that this shit is boring, and frustrating to watch over and over again. There are very subtle differences in these episodes for the most part. And while it's true Yuki is my least favorite character - I doubt that's the only reason I don't "appreciate" these episodes. I guess it should be noted (or re-noted) I haven't read the books either, so that might have something to do with my disappointment but I doubt it. I'm not usually one who bitches about changes made from books to anime/movies. Though a lot of the people who read the books are mad about this arc too, or at least the way KyotoAni has decided to dedicate so much time to it. They have other arcs they'd love to see make it into this season, but with Endless Eight taking up Eight fucking episodes there's no way that'll happen. We get two full arcs and two other episodes - that's it. Leaving fans to wait who knows how many more years until they can see their favorite arcs turned into anime. If that'll even ever happen. So you gotta understand how some people might be a bit disappointed with the length of this arc.

I guess I shouldn't go too much on the offensive. After all you've stated that even you, someone who enjoyed this arc felt it started to get stale, even if it only took 5 episodes for you to feel that way. And it seems like you understand how some people may be upset with this arc... or do you?

I guess the main reason I'm a bit miffed is your comment on how the only people raging about this arc can be categorized into one of two categories. Either trolls, or obsessive fans. Well I'm raging about this arc, and quite frankly I'm neither as far as I'm concerned. I'm just a big fan (read: not unhealthily obsessed fan) of the original series who was disappointed I waited several years for something I find to be extremely boring. But if you want to label me as such, by all means.

That's about all I'm going to say though. I couldn't really put up a good argument against you even if I tried, and there really isn't anything to argue about here either. You like the arc, I don't. Pretty simple. I just wanted to reply to your post for a number of reasons. 1) It's the internet so obviously I want to make my own selfish opinion heard... again, 2) I was a bit shocked at your comment I mentioned above and wanted to address it, and 3) I don't think I'm missing any "points" here. I don't think KyotoAni is trying to make us feel what Yuki is, I think they're doing this to stay faithful to the book, I just happen to think it's a bone headed move and they could've shortened it in the interest of entertainment*

*Of course "entertainment" is open to debate. Clearly some fans like you find this arc entertaining, while others don't. I think the majority of the opinion lies in my camp, but that could just be the vocal majority. Either way, KyotoAni was damned if they do, damned if they don't.
I read it all. Thanks for your reply. Very courteous, very helpful.

I apologize for saying that it was a black-and-white matter to categorize who dislikes this arc. However, I am mostly referring to the people who trashed their books and destroyed their dolls, which I understand compromise only a subset of the total collective. You dislike this arc but wouldn't trash your books over it. I was thinking of those pictures from Sankaku Complex, specifically, when I wrote what I wrote about either being a troll or being unhealthily obsessed.

Thank you for the compliment re. my good taste, and thank you for appreciating the fact that, yes indeed, there are people who are not trolling, who are intelligent, who do have standards, and yet who do still actually like what Kyoto Animation has done with this arc. Maybe we're psychotic? ;p Maybe we're in a small minority? But we do really exist.

Now, to address some of the points you brought up ...[hide]


Unless he has a terminal disease, there's no reason for any fan to feel cheated by Endless Eight. It's shortsighted to claim that these eight episodes are squandering precious airtime. As if there was some rule against having more than 14 episodes in a season! As if there was some rule which said that Haruhi seasons have to be spaced out by several years!

Why did we have to wait so long? It's a fair question. But the answer's pretty obvious, really, when you think about it. Kyoto Animation had never before encountered this level of success. [hide]Sure, they were behind the niche-popular Fullmetal Panic. But FMP never came close to generating the buzz which Haruhi did. By the end of June 2006, Haruhism had lit the internet on fire. I remember quite clearly being frustrated with the fact that Haruhi was done airing and now airing in its place was the (imo) awful NHK ni Youkoso (or "Welcome to the NHK") anime.

But I also realized why the show couldn't go on -- for the time being, they'd run out of episodes. They had not anticipated how popular this series was going to be. They had not. They absolutely had not. Fuck any one of them who claims to have known. They did not know. They thought that this was going to be another Fumoffu -- popular with a small audience only. They were of course dead wrong.

They had already committed to working on Kanon. That was a done deal.

The first show they produced which can rightly be said to have taken Haruhi's rightful place would be Lucky Star. The low-quality animation reflects an obvious truth: this was Kyoto Animation's filler series while they tried to figure out what they should do.

The answer they came up with disappointed millions of fans worldwide. As Kanon finished airing (and Lucky Star's in-house production was long over and done with as well), Kyoto Animation attached a small teaser to the end of the last episode. The teaser was for Clannad, which they revealed would be their Fall 2007 production. Haruhi fans cried. Key fans rejoiced.

Surely after Clannad, they would ... ? No. Clannad After Story.

Okay, now surely after C:AS they would ... ? No. KyoAni gave us their second filler series -- K-On!

Lucky Star. Clannad. Clannad: After-Story. K-On. We have to ask ourselves, why did Kyoto Animation stall like this? Why didn't Haruhi Season 2 air sooner?

  1. They were buying time.
    • Buying time to figure out which stories to animate.
    • Buying time to animate them.
    • Buying time to figure out the transition from light novel to anime.
    • Buying time for the light novels to keep coming.
  2. They knew that the fans would raise bloody hell if they flubbed. So they had to ensure that they would not fuck this up. And that took a lot of consideration, which in and of itself takes a lot of time.
  3. They didn't want the show to get stale.
    • for themselves. It would kill their love for Haruhi if they had to animate it day in and day out. And without that love, they knew their attention to details would go down, and that this would be reflected in the final product. The fans would pick up on it and be hurt, upset, disgusted.
    • for us. They knew that the fans loved Haruhi because it felt so fresh and new. They realized that if they aired more Haruhi immediately that it would become too familiar to people and they'd not like it anymore. They had to distance Season 2 from Season 1.

But that was then, and this is now. Now, Kyoto Animation has seen how the fanbase has responded to their decisions. In a word, unfavorably. Because of this observation, I guarantee you that they won't make the same mistake twice. Season 3 will air much sooner than Season 2 did.


Last fall, Kyoto Animation began their viral campaign for Season 2 by altering the official Haruhi website in a manner reflective of Book 4's theme The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi. Fans speculated that the series would begin to air in December because of the importance of that month to the story of Haruhi's disappearance. However, this made no sense: animes do not typically begin airing in the month of December in Japan. They begin in September/October and wrap up in December. Or they begin in January and wrap up in April. They don't begin in December.

These very same people who speculated about December's importance argued with me and other fans who believed Haruhi would begin airing again in Spring 2009. When we proved to be correct in the end, they fell silent. They were stunned, honestly. They had been so certain that KyoAni would wait until December to tell the disappearance story.

Guess what? That's where this is heading. Think about it. If Endless Eight doesn't wrap up until September 1, it means that Season 2 of Haruhi more-or-less will begin airing alongside the other Fall 2009 anime. (The only other Season 2 episode we've seen so far being the Tanabata episode.) But there's one important difference! The difference is this: Haruhi Season 2 has in fact already been airing! By September 1, it will have aired 9 of its projected 14 episodes. Meaning that, alongside the re-runs from Season 1, it will probably run out of gas some time around November or December.

... wait a second ...

... did you just say Season 2 will run out of gas around December?

Bam. There you have it. Endless Eight, in combination with the re-runs of Season 1, is Kyoto Animation's answer to the fanbase's wish for Disappearance to air in December.

I'd bet $20 on it at this point. Season 2 will end in December, and Season 3 will pick right up where Season 2 left off, airing in December (though taking the obligatory two-week hiatus around Christmas and New Year's that all animes take) and continuing on through January, February, March, and April.

You can call them "Seasons 2 and 3" if you like or you can think of it as "one really extra-long Season 2 where eight of its episodes were almost identical." Either way, I'd bet money that Haruhi isn't going to be done airing in December. It'll keep on going into 2010.

So all this fan rage about "wasted airtime" is pretty ridiculous. You've waited 2½ years for this, so what's 6 more months? And at least during those six months you get to watch what amounts to a Haruhi omake. At least you're not being forced to suffer through a second season of Lucky Star or NHK ni Youkoso. -_-;[/hide][/hide]
Cool, that went better than I expected it would. I rewrote my little rant above a few times because I felt like I kept coming across as an asshole. I still think I did, but luckily it didn't result in a huge flame war. Crisis averted. I really don't like arguing very much.

Anyways, you made some good points. And provided me with a little more information. I didn't know that December would be such a big deal for Haruhi. Now that you've explained all this it makes Endless Eight a little more tolerable. Assuming things go as planned of course. There has been talk that for some reason The Disappearance arc wouldn't be shown this season. I don't know where people got that information from, but that's just what I heard. All I know is I saw a schedule showing that there would be two full arcs (EE and Disappearance) and two other episodes - Bamboo Leaf, and another episode I can't remember the name of. Now if that's been changed for some reason I have no idea. Some people seem to think it has.

Moving along, I wonder if we'll see more episodes so soon after this season wraps up. You seem to think that's the case, but I haven't read anything that would lead me to believe that. I'm guessing that's just based on the current status of KyotoAni? I dunno. But it would be cool if they brought it back soon.

P.S.: I liked Lucky Star and NHK lol. But yeah I probably would've been happier with more Haruhi.
If it makes you feel any better, I saw Lucky Star as being "loli Pani Poni." And Pani Poni was pretty damn loli as it was. But yeah, I'm not a big fan of shows like PPD, Lucky Star, or AzuDai. (And yet, strangely enough, I love Sensei no Ojikan. I own it all on DVD! Go figure. lol)

I haven't read Book 4 myself. My understanding is (small spoiler, having to do with the titular "disappearance"): [hide]either she vanishes in December, returns in December, or both. If she disappears in December, then it's logical to assume that the series will go on hiatus until the calendar date of her return arrives. If that's also in December, then fans will notice no hiatus whatsoever. If it's in April, then fans will notice that Season 3 doesn't begin until Spring 2010.

Vice-versa, if she returns in December, then it makes good sense that they'll show her return in December. After all, they showed the Tanabata episode a few weeks early but they showed Endless Eight right on time (for it to wrap up in late August). So either she'll return in December '09 or December '10. December 2010 would of course suck, but that's life. Better December 2010 than not at all. If she returns in December 2009, that means that Disappearance is going to occupy all of the rest of Season 2's episode slots, which would further mean that every single other awesome chapter from the book series wouldn't make it into Season 2, which means it'd make it into Season 3, which suggests that Season 3 will air much sooner than fans fear.[/hide].


Part of the real-life reason Kyoto Animation has done what they've done is that they're making an artistic statement. They're telling the world, "There are dozens of different ways to bring a book to life, and we strive to pick the very best. We consider all possible angles but pick only the best ones for our final product." Specifically, note the following:
- out of all five episodes thus aired, Episode 2's scenes have been the best animated (imo). They've had the best camera angles, the best showcasing of book-specific scenes, etc. Episode 2 also showed us the most of the summer activities. Later episodes flew through them rather quickly (for obvious reasons).

- out of all four episodes thus aired in which the group discussed the closed loop, Episode 3's scenes have again been the best. The conversation about the closed loop is best animated in 3. The altered conversation on the rooftop while stargazing, with Itsuki telling Kyon to whisper in Haruhi's ear, is best animated (angle-wise) in 3 than in any of the other episodes. Also, the presentation of Kyon's deja vu is arguably best in 3. He is only slightly concerned at first, and then decently concerned after learning of the loop. In Episode 5, KyoAni presents a Kyon who could be said to be too nervous. And in Episode 6, they present one who seems to be not nervous enough. All of this is the director's way of telling the world, "We consider every possible interpretation. And we pick the very best."

Hence the best scenes shared between all five episodes being in 2, and the best scenes shared between the latter four being in 3.

Admittedly, this is all just my opinion, though. And like I said, I did love Episode 5. (Taken into consideration alongside the others!) I'm only saying it would be a bad episode had it been the solitary interpretation of the Endless Eight chapter from Book 5. Kyon's nervousness made sense in the anime version (b/c we assume he's getting more and more familiar with the deja vu the more times he lives through it), but in the book it would have been odd if Kyon had been so nervous while the reader had no friggin' clue about what was going on. Again, Episode 3 presents the best Kyon (in terms of nervousness about the deja vu), while 2 presents the best visual interpretation of the summer activities.
Who is your favorite character?
Who is your 2nd favorite character?
Which character would you most want to sleep with?
Which character would you most want to marry?

Which episode (all seasons) is your #1 favorite?
Which scene (any episode) is your #1 favorite?

Why would you say you enjoy this anime?
Which episode (all seasons) felt the most out of place with your perceived theme for the series?

Rate the following elements of this series: comedy, drama, slice-of-life school days, science fiction, philosophy, romance

1 = very inappropriate and/or totally not why I tune in
2 = inappropriate and/or not why I tune in
3 = neither
4 = appropriate and/or why I tune
5 = very appropriate and/or totally why I tune in
Why did I post this? 'Cause I thought it'd help us understand one another. Maybe we expect to get different things out of this show. Different people can like the same thing for very different reasons, after all, provided that thing has many facets to it.

Who is your favorite character? Kyon.
Who is your 2nd favorite character? Yuki.
Which character would you most want to sleep with? Mikuru.
Which character would you most want to marry? Mikuru or Yuki. I lean towards Yuki.

Which episode (all seasons) is your #1 favorite? Probably Episode 5 from Season 1, 'cause the club members explain their identities to Kyon in that one.
Which scene (any episode) is your #1 favorite? Definitely the one from Episode 10 when Yuki saves Kyon's life from Asakura. Probably one of the best scenes I've ever seen in any show.

Why would you say you enjoy this anime? I like the pretty animation, the harem aspect w/ all the girls to pick from, but most of all I like the story.
Which episode (all seasons) felt the most out of place with your perceived theme for the series? Episode 9 from Season 1. It was the one where Kyon went to purchase the heater for the club room. BOOOOOOOORING.

Rate the following elements of this series: comedy, drama, slice-of-life school days, science fiction, philosophy, romance

Comedy = 5 (very appropriate, why I tune in)
Drama = 5 (very appropriate, totally why I tune in)
Slice-of-life school days = 3 (it's okay)
Science Fiction = 2 (it's appropriate, but I couldn't care less if it was there or not)
Philosophy = 4 (it's Haruhi's main draw -- is she God or isn't she? and whatever she is, she still raises a lot of neat questions)
Romance = 3 (I love romance but it's not going anywhere any time soon in this show, and all signs point to Kyon being Haruhi's chosen one, and HaruKyon's probably my least favorite pairing moe-wise even if it is my favorite plot-sensibility-wise.)

I used air-date episode numbering for my episodes. Use whichever format you prefer. Just try to be clear about which episodes you're talking about. Don't just put a number! ^^;
You might not like my answers for characters lol, but here goes.

Who is your favorite character? Tsuruya. (Yes, really)
Who is your 2nd favorite character? Ryōko Asakura. (Yes, really)
Bonus: Who is your favorite "Real" character? Kyon.
Which character would you most want to sleep with? Asakura.
Which character would you most want to marry? Tsuruya.

Which episode (all seasons) is your #1 favorite? Live Alive. The one where they're at the School Festival and Haruhi and Yuki fill in for the two missing members of ENOZ.
Which scene (any episode) is your #1 favorite? The "God Knows" performance. Jesus christ it is beautiful and magnificent. It makes me misty eyed from time to time. Seriously.

Why would you say you enjoy this anime? I like the mix of slice of life and paranormal stuff. Of course the great animation and awesome characters help too.
Which episode (all seasons) felt the most out of place with your perceived theme for the series? Someday in The Rain. That same one you didn't like for pretty much the same reasons. It's really boring. Also some of the Endless Eight episodes for obvious reasons.

Comedy = 4 (The show is pretty funny when it's not being serious.)
Drama = 5 (I'm a sucker for drama)
Slice-of-life school days = 4 (This is especially great in episodes like Live Alive)
Science Fiction = 5 (Like I said I really like the paranormal stuff in the series)
Philosophy = 4 (Pretty much the same reasons as you)
Romance = 3 (Again sort of the same reason. Romance just isn't happening all that much.)
Hmm. Makes me wonder if you'd like Endless Eight's sixth episode were it to add Tsuruya to the bunch as the episode's token anomaly. What's better than three cute girls in yukatas? How about four cute girls in yukatas? ;)

I like Tsuruya, but she's a bit character.

Favorite Bit Character: Shamisen, hands down. My #1 biggest disappointment with Season 1 was that it ended without broadcasting Book 2. I totally wanted to see the making of the movie JUST because of Shamisen.

Edit: Checked my Youtube account. Got a reply from a troll. "Don't you know anything?" he writes. "Last I heard they're only going to air 28 episodes! The original 14 and the new 14! And so far this has already wasted half of the new 14! YOU'RE IN DENIAL IF YOU THINK THERE'S MORE ON THE WAY!"

Lol. Just ... lol.

And in case you were wondering about Mr. Troll's hearing, yeah, it's not very good: 'cause he quoted back at me the same 30-page figure the rage machine has been quoting all week long. For the last time, people: the chapter is about 67/68 pages long. Rounds up to 70. 70 IS OVER 2X WHAT 30 IS.

It doesn't mean Endless Eight is any more justified. I'd still like it even if it were based on only 30 pages. You'd still hate it even were it based on 140 pages. But when people have to lie to try and prove their point, that should be a warning sign that they don't have confidence in the persuasiveness of their own arguments.