Suzumiya Haruhi Season 2

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ;__________________________;

I even re-watched Episode 01 from Season 1 twice because I wanted to see Shamisen.

That cat is a-fucking-mazing. IT'S A CAT THAT TALKS! AND IS SMART, TOO!

It makes me sad every single fucking time I see an episode of Kyon at home because (so far) every single episode with Kyon at home has been pre-Sigh, which means pre-adopting Shami, which means I've never gotten to see Shamisen outside of a few momentary glimpses in the pilot episode. -_-;

More Shamisen! MORE TALKING CAT!

Just watched Episode 13 for the second time. (Watched it last night previously.) This is without a doubt one of my favorite episodes in the entire series. I loved the surprising scene where Kyon attempted to strike Haruhi. I mean, it's not cool that he has abusive impulses ^^; , but it's totally cool to see that he alone out of all the SOS Brigade members is that independent, is that much not a mind-slave of Haruhi's.

Also, it's kind of neat b/c it once again reflects back on Haruhi's subconscious, what its desires are, etc. Apparently, Haruhi's ideal man is one who is not submissive (despite her totally domineering personality!). She wants a guy who can dish it as well as take it. A guy who isn't afraid to strike back -- in this case, literally! She wants a man who will put her in her place. Classic, classic tsundere.

Favorite scene of the episode is a toss-up between the fist, drunk Mikuru (ADORABLE! ^.^), and ...

... Haruhi contemplating putting her hair up in a ponytail again. That was classic tsundere. Awesome, awesome scene, if ever so brief. I just love the flustered look on her face as Kyon barges through the door.
I agree, i cant tell you how many times i watched those scenes because literally Haruhi was going quite far (and not even abit) and that i know she always belives that Kyon would support her whatever she does, and in this episode it showed how surprised and shocked she was. I kinda now think that Kyon can turn hard and back again soft within a day, because honestly i really wish the day to see Haruhi depressed and continued abit longer, but of course that would never be the case of the series anyways :D

are we to expect a Season 3 very soon by any chance? hoping to get back Yamamoto Yutaka on the team? :D
Halfway through the news episode, and all I can say is ORGASM.

Talking cat? Check.
Talking cat is amazing? Check.
Major plot developments? Check. (Asahina's faction vs. Itsuki's faction vs. Yuki's faction)
Fun fun fun? Check, check, check.

Only halfway thru, and already this is the best episode of Season 2. HELL YEAH. Can't wait to come home today and watch the rest. :D
Hell yeah!

Kinda weird that the prologue was the ending, but it works well, I think.
I wonder which episode will be next...The adventures of Asahina Mikuru or Live alive?
Finished the episode last night. Pros and cons:

- after drawing out so many lesser scenes from the film, I was disappointed by the fact that this was the final Sighs episode. I had wanted to see the making of these four classic moments from the film:
(1) Kyon's sister joins the team as they film at Tsuruya's
(2) the SOS Brigade sets off fireworks on top of the school roof, and it draws the attention of the teachers
(3) the final showdown between Yuki and Mikuru + Itsuki, wherein Shamisen begins to talk on camera. (I had so wanted to see Haruhi's reaction to this! :( )
(4) the conversation between Itsuki and Yuki at Tsuruya's home which superficially looks like a conversation pertaining to the film but in actuality is a discussion about Kyon (hence Itsuki's stumbling over "he-- whoops, in this scene, it would be me" and what not).

Oh well. :(

(1) Excellent, excellent comeback (against Mikuru's faction) on Itsuki's part when he talked with Kyon at night time on the bridge. What he said about Mikuru is 1-0-0% in line with my own theory about her and the time travelers. I am so, so excited and happy to see that this theory has been unveiled before Kyon's eyes so early in the storyline. It means I get plenty of time (hopefully!) to see Kyon chew it over.

(2) I love how the pure form of both Itsuki's and Mikuru's theories is disproven.
Evidence which supports Itsuki's theory: after Kyon forces Haruhi to admit that the film is a work of fiction, and after filming wraps up, we see that things return to normal. No more talking cat. No more Mikuru beam. No more pigeons changing colors. If Mikuru's theory was correct -- and these phenomena were all already part of the natural order and Haruhi's role was simply that of a supermagnet which attracted them towards her -- then we would expect Shami to still talk, Mikuru to still fire laserbeams and staple-daggers out of her eyes, etc. Her faction might argue that all of these things are still present and merely are in stasis right now, but that seems to be poor reasoning -- or rather, desperate reasoning, a desperate effort to maintain that one's theory is the correct one. It would certainly seem that Itsuki's theory is correct -- Haruhi changes the world subconsciously, and things revert to normal when her subconscious accepts the norm which Kyon and the others are pushing for.

Evidence which supports Mikuru's theory: inescapably, this film dealt with the fact that Yuki was an alien magician, Mikuru was a time traveling combat waitress, and Itsuki was an esper with latent powers. By and large, these roles accurately fit the real people. If Itsuki's theory is true, then we would expect not only for Shamisen to quit talking and for the Mikuru beams to vanish: but we would also expect the trio to transform into three normal high school students! The fact that Yuki is still an alien after the film wraps up, the fact that Mikuru is still a time traveler, the fact that Itsuki is still an esper -- these things fly in the face of Itsuki's theory. This is made especially prominent with the final scene of the episode, in which Haruhi angrily rejects the supposition that the three are who they really are. Again, there is an excuse which we can voice. Itsuki's faction could easily say, "Well, the reason we're all still here is because subconsciously she does believe that we could be who we are, and it was only her rational conscious mind which rejected our existence," but again, this to me seems like a major copout. The fact that the three still have their powers despite Haruhi acknowledging that they only fulfilled those roles for a student film lends itself to Asahina's theory that the world was always like this and that Haruhi doesn't have the power to alter that: she only has the power to draw the paranormal towards her.

Personally, I've always been a big proponent of Itsuki's theory, and I still am. I found Asahina's theory to have too many contradictions with other episodes in the series. Also, I don't trust Mikuru's faction worth a damn. Of all three factions, hers is the most secretive, hers has the most to lose if Kyon should undertake actions which would alter history as they know it, and hers -- by virtue of being from the future -- has the knowledge of how things should play out. I don't know if the same is true for the Data Thought Entity, but certainly the espers do not have insight into the future. They do psychic and telekinetic actions but that's it: reading minds, levitating, that sort of thing. They can't tell the future. Mikuru's faction can: because they're already from it. They already know how everything will play out. So they already know what it is that they need to do to achieve exactly what they want.

I dunno. Itsuki's explanation was spot on the money as far as I'm concerned. We all saw in Season 1, and all three faction members have told Kyon this, that Kyon is the most important member of the brigade because he alone can influence Suzumiya Haruhi. So it makes perfect sense that if you wanted to control Haruhi, you would want to control Kyon. And what better way to accomplish this than to deliver to him his dream girl on a silver platter?

Really, really excited for Season 3. We won't be seeing any new episodes for at least two more weeks ('cause of the Season 1 culture fest episodes), maybe longer, but here's hoping that Season 3 either begins airing uncharacteristically at the tail end of the Fall 2009 anime season or else it begins airing alongside the other Winter 2010 ones. :)
wow Sakunyuusha, you showed alot of excitement for the end of Season 2 here :D and whilst being quite detailed on your account, pretty much most of the things u mentioned are agreeable, its jsut a shame it was cut really short and that alot of the episodes were wasted on Endless Eight, personalyl felt the last episode could hve been expanded abit more, because i was abit confused when Asahina started to blurt out her opinion against Itsuki, and not much was said from Yuki either. The whole didnt really execute well for me until someone explained it. I still dont quite understand it.

Also i got abit confused on why the flashback at the end of the episode had to be revealed at the end of the Sigh episodes. Hahuri, what a stupid girl :D

Well u ask for alot of hope for Season 3 but is all that just hope and speculation? OR is it the intention of KyonAni to have another later this year?? or next??
Nobody can say that they know for certain. Almost anyone would tell you at this point that there is no official word on Season 3 but that then again there was no official word on when Season 2 would start airing either. (It was confirmed some time in 2008, but all Kyoto Animation ever said of their Spring 2009 line-up was, "We're going to re-air the first series," and a lot of people assumed that this meant that the second series would either start airing in June (when the first series would wrap up) or in October (if they took the summer off). I don't think anybody outside of the company can legitimately say that they knew Season 2 was going to begin airing the week that it did.
oh my god, i just read that as well and i am so over the moon about it! because initially, when i was thinking of Season 3 of suzumiya, i thought can they really do Dissappearance adaption in episodes? because frmo what ive read on the light novel, it really looks like one solid thing, and i assume it is probably the best light novel out of the series but i could be wrong.

therefore when i foundout about the movie, i thought they made the perfect choice, and i suppose it was the only right choice or treatment to do with such a heavy contented book. I hope the animation would be supreme! :)
Movie comes out February 6th 2010. Wonder how long we'll have to wait after that for a subbed dvd/bluray version to hit the net. (Still waiting on Evangelion 2.0 >,>)
Not long. Code Geass Episode 25 was also debuted as a movie and it was available on the internet in fantastic resolution in little under a week. (Although maybe that's because they re-aired it on TV and I'm just not remembering all of the details correctly? I remember downloading it some time in July 2007, and I think it came out in theaters either in April, May, or June 2007 ... hmm ...)
I think we'll have to wait a whole year. :crash:
Of course I hope I'm wrong...
i actually saw a The Vanishment of Suzumiya Haruhi Torrent in TT. it seemed fake so i didn't get it. and it seems it was, its no longer in TT. i wonder what video they used..

So ben how's the char design? do they look like the original ones or the 2nd season ones? or perhaps they've been K-onified? hehe

and since i saw Sakun's post about Code Geass this pic came to mind. Just posting it here in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.
I'm the wrong person to ask about the style. I have a terrible eye for that sort of thing. I remember my roommate trying to show me the difference between Season 1 and 2 and I couldn't tell the difference lol. Here you guys can see for yourself though: trailer

I know what you mean about the K-ONification though, I saw some pictures of that from 2ch. Pretty sure that isn't the case here though ;p

Totally pumped for more Code Geass.