The Underrated or Severely Overrated Porn Stars Or Porn ANYTHING THREAD


Akiba Citizen
May 25, 2017
As a rule we know things can get heated because we all have opinions. So lets just have fun.
Anything is debatable. And your opinion/reasoning should be respected but can be debated:)
So, I'll start.

Nene Tanaka. She is not my favorite but every time I see one of her movies I am urge to see them.
She usually gives and TAKE a good sexxing to make it worth the bitrate.

Big beautiful tits, nice big ass, and hips, not overly attractive, but very energtic.

Yes I know she's play in many titles but I can't help but feel she doesn't get enough attention.
She of course is older now and heavier but I think those are even more good reason for her to be a MILF now.

Her roles aren't memorable from what I've seen but I check her movies 6 out of 10 times. Not bad.


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I totally agree, and what I failed to notice myself, until I became interested in it, is how she treats cum: much more often that other actresses, she takes oral cream-pies and then spits out the cum onto her palm

I have written a lot about her on the forum; here's a summary in my BJ thread:
Nene Tanaka (she is not among the top BJ artists for me, but she is a great combo: nice oral skills, a curvy body with big tits and areolas, plus there is something in how she acts that is arousing for me in general, I only recently found out that she is one of my favorite girls in the S*****girls Suck Anywhere Until They Get Two Facials Each series above, NHDTB-442, starting at around 1-hour mark, and also do check her in KAGP-175 starting around 1:30:00: there is just something so lewd about that cum display at the end...)

For me, I guess, the priorities for noticing a porn star go something like this:
  • Outstanding body (e.g. in JAV it would be K-cup and above, PAWG-level ass etc.; a good recent example is Nishimura Nina who is getting bigger and bigger but I realized I don't really care: I've watched a lot of her new movies and she's equally sexy but for somewhat different reasons — before, she had a killer body in terms of how curvy she was without being too fat, but now she has a killer body and she is fat... she still kills, that's the point, and I'm really grateful to the masters of the art of presenting titty-fucking for showing off her body and skills in that regard)
  • Outstanding skills (e.g. Ogawa Himari or Takagi Chisato are not that good-looking by comparison, and most would call them "plain", but that's where you'll be missing severely as both of them are oral experts)
  • Outstanding personality and traits (e.g., again, Himari is really positive, and I have come to use the word "sunshine" a lot with her, which is really fitting also because "himari" can be translated as literally "sun"; then there is Mari Rika who combines cute and sexy, short hair and intolerance towards cum with some great skills of extracting it... that's the conundrum she creates herself, and that's a a source of conflict and arousal for the viewer)
  • Outstanding looks (again, Shibuya Kaho and Tsukada Shiori are not beauty queens, especially without make-up, but they are stacked; there are lots and lots of girls who are skillful even though they are average-looking or worse, so for me, the looks are one of the least important; of course, the girl needs to meet at least basic criteria of appearance, but the spectrum is very wide for me; to rephrase, I'd rather hit a big booty with an average face than a runway girl with only shoulders to keep her clothes from falling off — and don't forget that these "beauties" are very often bitchy and high-maintenance just because of that; yes, there is a very special kind of pleasure you can get from face-f...king a bitchy beautiful face, but I'm more for mutual pleasure)
I guess what I'm trying to introduce to this conversation is the controversial point that while so many people are obsessing over young and model-level beautiful, they are missing out huge time since what matters more is what you grab at, what you can actually fuck and how much overall pleasure you can get because of the overall sexiness (body+skills+traits+looks, not just looks) and sexual skills of the girl. Outstanding looks are more of a bonus most of the time. After all, there are lost of cases of "just put a paper bag over her head" for "hideous" yet still sexy women, but if a girl has a beautiful face but is skinny as a skeleton (Chinese and Korean girls, I'm talking to you, I'm really worried about your well-being sometimes) or is a lazy lay, then to the curb she goes

I also wrote a lot on age in porn and on the pursuit of barely legal girls in porn as being one of the most stupid things buyers can do: they create this influx of girls who are beautiful-looking in the face — but nothing else. And it's just a sign of how immature and generally unwise ("so much for the famed Japanese wisdom, huh") these "men" are. Schopenhauer prioritized very succinctly and argued really well that...

“What a man is: that is to say, personality, in the widest sense of the word; under which are included health, strength, beauty, temperament, moral character, intelligence, and education.”
By "beauty" here he means not just physical beauty, of course, and by "health" he meant the overall sanity and sanguinity. And he also argues a lot in his works that personality is the only thing that lasts more or less our whole life, unlike physical beauty or status

So, basically, men who try to pursuit looks only are fools, and yes, writing this, now, I remembered a Japanese myth of how men were created — not from a sturdy yet stark pine but from a beautiful yet fleeting cherry blossom. Still, "beauty" is so much more than the face, especially when we're talking about the sexual desire. One could even argue maybe that the beauty of a girl's face has very little to do with the sexual desire as it mostly caters to our aesthetic ("idealistic") and not physical ("pragmatic") senses

You cannot f... "beauty" as it's a concept, and you cannot even really f... a beautiful face: you can f... the mouth, the throat etc., but "beauty" is just a concept. But you can f... huge tits or ass... though no, actually you don't f... the ass, you f... the asshole... Okay, semantics, but you get what I mean: you can actually get an ass job from a huge-assed girl, but how do you f... "beauty" in any kind of a satisfying way?..

P.S. A good example, at least for me, of a woman in JAV who is not beautiful in "model" kind of way yet very sexy in a specific way is presented here
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Several more thoughts I had, thinking about Kaho again (obviously, I'm still infatuated with her, so it's therapeutic for me — excuse me for writing so much; I think a lot of people could say similar things about their favorite porn stars and even their IRL crushes that somehow remained unattainable)

1. If I hadn't seen her in JAV, I wouldn't have known about her and would possibly be happier since I wouldn't have a new "extra goal" in life that's 99.9% impossible to achieve — to have a go with her; then again, we are all likely fortunate to have seen her as an example of such beautiful and big tits, and in her prime
2. Her now is also sexy, but in a different way, and the fact that we have this stage of her life on film as a document is also arguably better than to never have had it: that Kaho is never coming back, but we can re-watch her in her more youthful and "springy" version (this is especially valuable since she has now stopped filming and is likely to never come back to AV)
3. Even those who did have sex with her can only rely on their memories as she's not coming back and, as I understand, she's not looking for a relationship either. And even if she finds someone, that bastard, though very lucky, would also only have access to her as she is now, not at that time. She now might be more wise, sexy in a mature kind of way etc., but still, that AV-era Kaho is gone for everyone apart from bits and pixels*

This went from AV-idol-obsession to general lamentations about the contrast between what we would like and what we can have. Tying this back to the topic, we could say that porn is highly underrated in its dangerous ability to create not just addictions but obsessions. If you think about it, it's no surprise: if people obsess over "regular" idols to the point of ruining their lives, isn't it only to be expected that if you can see a person nude, doing all kinds of dirty things, if you can count all the marks on their body (if you find their uncensored vids) etc. that you could become even more obsessed?

(Don't worry, I'm not that obsessed, I'm just analytical and getting it all out. But at the same time, my "lasting mild obsession" with Kaho is just an example of a dream that is unlikely to ever come any close to being true. Because as soon as you even try to think about how it could come true, you open a whole new can of worms... And it's also, more generally, just yet another way to realize that we all change all the time, even if we don't want to, and that we are all mortal, duh, and so on, and so on...)

* Though, admittedly, since she's still growing, as it seems, there might be some extra allure about her current version in that as well... also, I have not had that much of personal experience to really tell if boobs that have been very big from the start really change their... texture a lot with age... so she actually might be getting bigger and without much change to how they feel...
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I don't know if she's underrated... but I think Hibiki Natsume is the hottest girl I've ever seen in JAV.

She just feels unreal. Not the biggest ass, not the biggest tits, not the slimmest, not the prettiest, not the tallest... but her proportions are perfect. I've never seen a woman as hot as her in STARS-851.
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Big boobs are overrated.
This is not about surgical boobs which I am usually indifferent towards, in some cases.

But I mean the push of JAV and big boobs.
Yes they have smaller girls with cuter faces but the push seem to be more top heavy hitters:D
(below pic 1) Ichika Matsumoto is still one of my fav small actress with good acting and grrreat butt

I look at my JAV recent, mostly lesbian JAV, not many top heavy.
It's rare to have them in my collection unless the story really good.

Yes (below pic 2) the actress Misumo(Asahi Mizuno) is a good actress, beautiful and curvy
the cover is clownish not real,
she is one that always in my collection.


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Overrated? I put Hana Haruna and Julia is that category. Kind of sexy looking but not much performance wise.
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Overrated? I put Hana Haruna and Julia is that category. Kind of sexy looking but not much performance wise.
...I wish I could say something to debate this but I can not lol
I would pick either over each other. Which means neither...
Julia has a hot body when she started and she is a "legend" in the industry. But overrated.

Hana has a curvier body and willing to do more than Julia but a terrible performer.
I don't think she's ever been classified as one of the best in any category.
Even Hitomi looks better and give better performances in the bigger tits only category imo.
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The problem is that sometimes the covers enlarge the boobs in deceitful ways, though most often those become "epic Photoshop fails" (Paiking is really a guy to turn to when it comes to boobs in JAV), and I think not a lot of people would debate that it's ludicrous (though I would love Nenne to have such big ones... and at the same time, she would lose some of her appeal for me since she's a petite one, and even her boobs feel like "the maximum size at which she can remain petite")

In terms of having tits/being sexy and not much else, also agreed: I would not say that Hana is terrible, though I haven't seen a lot of her performances, but she, Hitomi and Julia are great examples for me of girls having great bodies and not being memorable

On the other hand, I would, on the contrary, say that there are not enough big-titted newcomers for me. How am I supposed to get over Kaho if no girl still comes close to her in terms of the "perfectness of the blend" of her titties (the size + her being petite and more on the thin side even when she put on weight + the length of her boobs + the sagginess + the areola size, shape and color + the nipple size/shape and color)? There are so many factors in this that we are not seeing nearly enough K+ ones... I understand that it's statistically very low percentage overall... but then the more urgent a matter it is to recruit more!

Some stuff we could debate here, gathering from all the threads I remember on this forum are (and I'll express these as my opinions on these topics):
  • Japanese customers are ruining JAV by wanting the youngest girls possible, not giving a lot of chance to those older ones — or quickly losing interest for those who stay in JAV for long (thus, JAV becomes like a conveyor belt, with the "goods" on it having very short shelf life)
  • This, combined with the trend toward digital isolation of JAV (meaning that only the Japanese get to decide what JAV should look like) is discriminatory towards all those interested in Japan (no matter the reason, even if it's porn) and thus contradicts the Japan's overt "openness to foreigners" (there are a lot of examples of such contradictions, but this is one of them): we cannot easily buy JAV and thus cannot influence, with our demand, what we would like to see
  • Not enough information for foreigners on JAV stars being available for escort etc.! Again, Japan is still very... apprehensive (to use a mild word) of foreigners in terms of anything that comes to letting them into a lot of places that are not for tourists (hot springs are another example, and yes, you could say that it's usually because of tattoos, and there is a reason why tattoos are historically frowned upon in Japan... but hey, there were historical reasons for the US to buy slaves... but they don't anymore... so... what's the difference really? Isn't it discrimination by skin pigments?), including brothels; I totally understand that if you cannot ask people to speak your language, but what about those who speak Japanese well enough? They would likely still not be let into most such places as they are not Japanese or at least not Japanese-looking... and I'm not sure how to feel about that... Yes, you cannot make people have sex with those they don't want to, "even" for money... but if that's about the rest of the whole world... I think that smells like discrimination again
This all could be argued the same way: hey, it's Japan, it's for Japanese people, let them do what they want. But again (if we're being jerks and generalizing), Japan seems to want to have its cake and eat it too (keep the old ways in the new world), which means it is either a hypocrite (wanting all the good things about capitalism and democracy, wanting to sell its image around the world via anime, and manga, and electronics, and so on — but, at the same time, wanting to remain isolated), or it's confused. I think it's the latter, but it's still annoying sometimes (and I'm writing all of this just to vent mostly; there are more aspects to this, obviously, as can be seen in the discussion here, for example; it could be easily argued that it's a third option: wanting to balance isolation and openness... which is basically what we all do... but that's not an interesting stance for debates)

P.S. Another jab somebody could easily throw my way:
You complain about being discriminated as a gaijin so much, but you will be the first to lose interest in Japan if it becomes a mixed-enthnicity country
And to that, I would say that yes, I have that part of me that wants the world to be "diverse in a suspiciously convenient" kind of way: let there be all kinds of mixed couples, but let there remain "pure"-Japanese, and Chinese, and French, and Swedish, and whatever. So, yes, I want there to remain "pure"-Japanese girls. And I didn't say that I would want to have a family with a Japanese woman. It's one thing to want that — and another to want to freely come to Japan and visit any brother just to f... a Japanese girl without feeling as a total gaijin almost every time you go off a tourist route

But yeah, that would be a good point: I am also someone who want to have my cake and eat it to, wants to simultaneously have the "exotic and pristine Japan from anime, manga and books" — and doesn't want to feel like a foreigner there. "So... What the hell do you want, bro?" Yes, seems like that's what all the weebs want: to be Japanese. I don't though. I would like to remain as I am but to go to live in Japan for a couple of years someday, with the ability to go to all the same places a Japanese man can go. And it seems that it's still too early for that... and someday, when it won't be too early, the Japan will have changed so much that it wouldn't be as interesting anymore... A "weaboo paradox"
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The problem is that sometimes the covers enlarge the boobs in deceitful ways, though most often those become "epic Photoshop fails" (Paiking is really a guy to turn to when it comes to boobs in JAV), and I think not a lot of people would debate that it's ludicrous (though I would love Nenne to have such big ones... and at the same time, she would lose some of her appeal for me since she's a petite one, and even her boobs feel like "the maximum size at which she can remain petite")
While I do find some of those fake cover ugly and unnecessary, sometime they are done
in a way that makes me wonder , "what if" my fave suddenly gain bigger tits?
Honestly, I might like it... maybe.
In terms of having tits/being sexy and not much else, also agreed: I would not say that Hana is terrible, though I haven't seen a lot of her performances, but she, Hitomi and Julia are great examples for me of girls having great bodies and not being memorable.
Hana always looks lost and seems to struggle with her lines to me, but its okay.

Hitomi Tanaka , I can say has more appeal to me and better at acting than Julia and Hana.
But I will agree to disagree that she's a little more memorable.

She has a cute way of doing "Tsundere" as that's been something of a niche of hers before it became a niche.
I find something sexy and exciting when a girl pretends not to be into se*x but really she wants it.
Hitomi Tanaka does it well.
On the other hand, I would, on the contrary, say that there are not enough big-titted newcomers for me. How am I supposed to get over Kaho if no girl still comes close to her in terms of the "perfectness of the blend" of her titties (the size + her being petite and more on the thin side even when she put on weight + the length of her boobs + the sagginess + the areola size, shape and color + the nipple size/shape and color)? There are so many factors in this that we are not seeing nearly enough K+ ones... I understand that it's statistically very low percentage overall... but then the more urgent a matter it is to recruit more!
I can not debate this but as you say the percentage low. Big boobies in JAV is represented well,
maybe not perfectly acted by those with them... still represented.
Some stuff we could debate here, gathering from all the threads I remember on this forum are (and I'll express these as my opinions on these topics):
  • Japanese customers are ruining JAV by wanting the youngest girls possible, not giving a lot of chance to those older ones — or quickly losing interest for those who stay in JAV for long (thus, JAV becomes like a conveyor belt, with the "goods" on it having very short shelf life)
  • This, combined with the trend toward digital isolation of JAV (meaning that only the Japanese get to decide what JAV should look like) is discriminatory towards all those interested in Japan (no matter the reason, even if it's porn) and thus contradicts the Japan's overt "openness to foreigners" (there are a lot of examples of such contradictions, but this is one of them): we cannot easily buy JAV and thus cannot influence, with our demand, what we would like to see
  • Not enough information for foreigners on JAV stars being available for escort etc.! Again, Japan is still very... apprehensive (to use a mild word) of foreigners in terms of anything that comes to letting them into a lot of places that are not for tourists (hot springs are another example, and yes, you could say that it's usually because of tattoos, and there is a reason why tattoos are historically frowned upon in Japan... but hey, there were historical reasons for the US to buy slaves... but they don't anymore... so... what's the difference really? Isn't it discrimination by skin pigments?), including brothels; I totally understand that if you cannot ask people to speak your language, but what about those who speak Japanese well enough? They would likely still not be let into most such places as they are not Japanese or at least not Japanese-looking... and I'm not sure how to feel about that... Yes, you cannot make people have sex with those they don't want to, "even" for money... but if that's about the rest of the whole world... I think that smells like discrimination again
This all could be argued the same way: hey, it's Japan, it's for Japanese people, let them do what they want.
Which is why I never debate it lol
The main audience it the deciding factor. No matter how we vent.
I am just grateful they are so horny and not stale in their taste for porn.
Their desire to jerk off has made the producers go above and beyond the norm for porn in many ways.:cheers:
And to that, I would say that yes, I have that part of me that wants the world to be "diverse in a suspiciously convenient" kind of way: let there be all kinds of mixed couples, but let there remain "pure"-Japanese, and Chinese, and French, and Swedish, and whatever. So, yes, I want there to remain "pure"-Japanese girls. And I didn't say that I would want to have a family with a Japanese woman. It's one thing to want that — and another to want to freely come to Japan and visit any brother just to f... a Japanese girl without feeling as a total gaijin almost every time you go off a tourist route.
Pure Japanese in JAV is the bomb for me. Although I have seen and liked some of the mixed Japanese girls too.
They are just... okay.
But for some reason I can not accept white/european girls in JAV but that is a personal for me.
But yeah, that would be a good point: I am also someone who want to have my cake and eat it to, wants to simultaneously have the "exotic and pristine Japan from anime, manga and books" — and doesn't want to feel like a foreigner there. "So... What the hell do you want, bro?" Yes, seems like that's what all the weebs want: to be Japanese. I don't though. I would like to remain as I am but to go to live in Japan for a couple of years someday, with the ability to go to all the same places a Japanese man can go. And it seems that it's still too early for that... and someday, when it won't be too early, the Japan will have changed so much that it wouldn't be as interesting anymore... A "weaboo paradox"
I feel the weeb phase has gone and been gone for a long time.
I remember it was strong in the early 2000's , maybe before. But I don't feel that now.
I think reality and social media has given us all a glimpse to many countries and we see how it is for real.
sometime they are done
in a way that makes me wonder , "what if"
Agree. Some of them are done with taste and actually work towards the creation of the "JAV dream world" I sometimes bring up (it's essentially the same as "porn dream world", but hey, since it's about Japan, it's even more "exotic, and mysterious, and unlike the real world"... boobies grow, men can become invisible, dicks appear out of walls... they're doing that themselves, how could I not see it as exotic, right?)

Hitomi Tanaka does it well.
It's just that I haven't watched much of Hitomi's stuff either. Maybe if I did, same as I started watching more and more Kaho after she retired, I would discover something more than her huge ones :)

Arguably, every actress has something special about her since we are all unique human beings. Above, headcrusher mentioned Hibiki Natsume, and I had a look at the cover, and yes, just as he says, she doesn't stand out in general, but I would wholeheartedly agree that there can be something about her to someone, the same way that for some reason, it's Kaho's tits that are the closest to perfect for me (and not Hitomi's for example, though they are also sexy as hell, and much bigger, and have that lewd "rocket" shape...). The same way there is a special place in my heart for Mari Rika etc., even though she can look average to lots and lots of people, and even if they watch her work, they would find nothing special. We, being unique sets of qualities, "click" with other unique sets in unique ways, etc. etc. and that's what keeps the humanity going, all the way from the evolutionary point of view to the division of labor and beyond

I am just grateful they are so horny and not stale in their taste for porn.
Good point here. Even though some aspects of Japan and JAV might infuriate me at times, hey, that might be the very same thing that made me love them: they are doing their own thing. Ever since tentacle porn or whatever was the first documented example

But for some reason I can not accept white/european girls in JAV but that is a personal for me.
I almost never watch Europeans, Americans etc. in JAV. Even stuff like "big black c...ks for Japanese girls" is not that arousing for me, though interracial porn is one of my fetishes (I guess, it's mostly about BDWC for me, if you know what I mean, not BDAC, WDBC etc., though some scenes with black girls on white guys are the bomb if it's someone like Jezabel Vessir... man, she's hot). I would much rather prefer a big-dicked Japanese guy a Japanese girl than watching yet another NTR with a black homestay dude. Okay, maybe sometimes and with some actresses it's good for variety, but the proportion is like 90% "Japanese only" and 10% "mixed"...

Huh, another example of me actually agreeing with the isolationist trends in Japan while being irritated by them at the same time...

I feel the weeb phase has gone and been gone for a long time.
Yeah, I guess I mean it in a generalized way of "culture shock" where the more you know about a country, the more you get disillusioned — but if you don't let that natural course of thing make you hate the place, you will eventually find more good stuff that you haven't noticed before. So, it's moving from the idealized version of something (like the idealized version of Japan for weebs) to actually understanding the thing, with all its pros and cons. Yes, this is often painful to get your hopes and dreams "deflated back to the ground", but yeah, that's life. In the end, you either accept the game and live the real life or you hide in the frail dream land, in a castle made of vapour that can be blown away with a single wisp of reality (my graphomania is acting up again, more than usual)
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We could talk about fake cum here as well, I saw another interesting example recently. Now that's a kind of fakery that is interesting at least: making the cum less "idealized and porn-ey", more "dirty, and clumpy, and toilet-gloryhole, who-the-hell-knows-why-it's-yellow" kind of way

I'm not sure if you're OK with such details, but if you watch American or Spanish bukkake, there's bound to be at least one guy whose cum is so yellow that it "ruins the batch" if you're... a purist about it. But if you're like me, it makes it more realistic since the sperm color is a spectrum, and even if you're not ill, it can be yellow due to what you're eating etc. Maybe not as yellow as it is in some bukkake (those guys might be boozing too much or something), but what I mean is, if you want to fake cum, at least don't do it the same stupid way, which is, again, very white, very thick, almost no variety in its content (hey, we're men, we know that cum is partly the actual sperm, partly the fluid that acts as the medium, so it cannot be just a homogenous white clump... there are exceptions of course, like with oral cream-pies, where all that "medium" might remain in the mouth... but still, most of the cum I now see in JAV is too white, thick and consistent... just like soap, or glazing, or something else really cheap and available that you would use to make it look like cum if you're filming on a f...k-off level. That's just lazy. 日本人らしくない。)

To sum up, if you're using fake cum, be a sport about it and at least not make it so obvious. There are ways. You're Japanese, for chrissakes, be inventive here as well, please. Make it not just 100% liquid soap or glazing, recreate the contents of actual cum at least consisting of two main parts as I described. Add color variety. Why do I have to teach you how to do your job? 舐めるな! (It's a tacky play on words, I know, but I couldn't help it)
gregorsamsa, you're likely familiar with this website,, but just in case it's a fun visit.
No, I'm not. Is it like a database of where to go in Tokyo for big boobies? I'll check it out :)

P.S. Not enough K-cup and above! :) Well, one more reason for me to improve my Japanese and finally get onto the Japanese forums to get the info. I already know this site, but it seems to be outdated in many regards. I guess there must be some forums where those interested update the sightings of JAV stars in brothels etc. on a weekly basis

Though just now, I checked a random busty one, and the site has the info that's still relevant about her (here's her on the site, and here's her on the site linked. Also, as always, there is this site, where a lot of my favorites are still listed as working, but hey, who knows how up-to-date even that site is...
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When I first discovered JAV, I downloaded any movie that featured big boobies but soon discovered that big tits do not always equate with good performance. As my handle indicates, I like big ones as much as any man, but have discovered some idols that nature or science have not smiled upon in that category who are very sexy with great performances. Just had a friend translate an old Shihori Endo title, and she is amazing in this older Dogma movie. And my current favorite, Chisato Shoda has naturally, I believe, grown up top with age and having put on more weight, but certainly would not be considered huge up top. yet I find her incredibly sexy. I guess my point is, once again, big titties do not necessarily equate with fap the old saying goes-"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Here's another one...
In honesty, if you look up SEVERELY OVERRATED.
There will be many names I am certain and
you will find Yua Mikami .

One of JAV overrated actresses. Who I am personally glad has retired.

I've tried in vain to see what the hype was about and never got off with her movies and body.

Is she a good actress? I've see better...WAYYY better.
Is her body the greatest? Hhaha you're kidding, right?
Is her movies terrible? I think they're average.
Is she one of JAV greatest? What??? Not even close.

She, was pushed by the studios and pushed by the fans and that's it.
Now that's she retired no one barely mentions her or remembers her.

Of course, these are my opinion.
And yes I have some more severely overrated and underrated too:)
I can throw in Eimi Fukada. I've only watched one movie with her, NHDTB-359 (just because it's part of one of my favorite BJ series), and I don't remember feeling anything. I mean, I just watched the scenes and that's it, it didn't work as intended (as "fap material", to use the collocation that asianbooblover has reminded me about). Maybe she's just not that great at oral (for me), or maybe she "just doesn't do it" (for me), but considering how much work she's done, she must be popular... But why?

(Also, just to clarify: yes, I want there to be more huge-titted newcomers, but at the same time, I totally agree that just tits and/or ass don't make a good porn actress, though for me, there are exceptions like Kaho or Shiori; more than half of my Top 10 are regular in the "meat department", i.e. no outstanding busts or butts, but they are great at sucking etc. and/or creating the mood. Man, Takagi Chisato, if I'm harsh about her, is not just plain looking but too skinny for me... but that's just her looks — just her scene in SVDVD-614 alone was enough for me to check all her other stuff I could find for free. Again, it must be one of those "we just clicked" cases. There is just something about her for me, overall, that gives me an instant boner)

P.S. I've never heard of Yua Mikami before, I think, and having looked at a few covers with her, my first impression is: "Well, she has some curves, but her tits are of those variety where they're either enhanced in some way... and even if they are not, they just seem "too perfect to be real", and at the same time, they are not that small yet not that big... they are just to look at, not to play with". My first almost unedited impression
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Oh, also, I don't want to start another thread because of this but I've just recently found out about Shinoda Yu's retirement (haven't noticed that myself as she hasn't been one of my go-to's in JAV), and there was this expression in the article: "addicted to cowgirls". What the hell does that mean? :)

I guess we could count this question as another example of "(Japanese) porn fans are ruining the JAV industry"

(Fans are similar everywhere, but for some reason, I expected better from Japan, — but then we have all these cases of not just JAV but all kinds of idols being driven to not just quitting but suicide by online bullying. A culture built on shame... where you can legally buy porn and that has multi-million industry of not just porn but all kinds of "adult" services that easily bypass the law that is not being changed despite all the bypassing... as if it's all for the money... I mean "the economy" of course... Hm... Not that I'm complaining, on the contrary, I'm glad we have so much adult stuff available in Japan... but that toxic mix of old-fashioned morals and rampant and de-facto legal "immoral" industries is confusing. Or maybe it's a great example of "the Japanese way" — and its potential pitfalls: let's not bother anyone, "read the air" and all that... well, even the Japanese have a lot of trouble with that, maybe especially in the modern world, where it's getting harder and harder to navigate all the conflicting currents)
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gregorsamsa- Eimi Fukada does nothing for me- sorry to all her followers but everyone has their own taste- I'm sure many of you feel the same way about Chisato Shoda, who makes my hormones go into overdrive​

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Too many boring series that have been going on for so long, I mean enough already with the "sharing a room with my pervert boss" and "father-in-law fucking the daughter-in-law without his son knowing."

Also underrated actress: Hono Wakamiya, Suzumiya Haruka(Aya Sazanami)
Overrated actresses: Maria Nagai
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