^<V Above, you, below

^ Sure, if it didn't suck.
< I'm gonna go swipe a memory stick.. I'm sure they won't notice.
v What's your record on how many marbles you've managed to put up your butt?
^ Because it's just as stupid and pointless as everything else we do. Why stop now?
< I'm into many things.
v What's your fetish?
^ the elaborateness of the world,the bright and the debauchery
< wish everyone healthy and I'll study hard to win a super career ,to become a big guy develop the country the world ~the world~ make it wonderful and peaceful !~~~~haha
v you know,you get the next post of mine is your happiness...:chant:
^ Panties :p
^ Confused...
< /me listens to DotA by Basshunter lolz :3
v What is 1+1?=3
^ gesundheit!... oh wait... you meant... shit never mind...
< Thinking I better call it a night
< Must rest brain
V Oyasuminasai
^ well i think everyone who post in this thread was bored at dead :) so Yes i am.
< usually at this time i'm in class but i'm taking a day off cause i'm ill
V playing some games right now ? if you do what is it .
^You wish you did :)
< No one owns me :P
V Lets cuddle :) haha
^ Go cuddle yourself in the corner.
< I only allow cuddling upon me by females whom I deem worthy. And Sven.
v Are you lonely?
^ The meaning of 'good' in this case would be relative to the tastes of the person tasting said pizza, and since the pizza is assumed to be 'good' according to the taste of the person in question, namely me, the answer is hence obvious.
< Yes. I like a good pizza.
v Semantics is fun, isn't it?
^ I'm listening to Sublime
< I enjoy all kinds of music
V What's your favorite band