^<V Above, you, below

^ Depends on what kind
< I like soft chocolate chip cookies
V Where do you work
^ hired a stripper for my buddy's bday then i pay $20 for a show which consisted of her stripping me naked, wrapping my body with plastic wrap then cutting a hole where my **** is, all in front of a crowd of 15 or so college buddies... and she wasn't even naked
< tgif
v what do you usually do on a friday night?
^ Go to work, I work at a small, 1 screen movie theatre, and the weekends are the most insane. When I come home, I'm usually drained from either a ten, eleven, or even twleve hour shift so I crash and sleep till it's time for the Saturday movie rush.
> :dozingoff:
v Where is the worst place you have fallen asleep?
^ A bench when I couldn't find anywhere to stay
< not as bad as I thought, but it was a warm night
V Caring for Your Introvert Response?
^ Interesting, while I feel that everything said is pretty much true, that dude was one crappy writer. That whole article sounded like a lamely written (as I like to call them) "Is Someone You Know?" phamplet, the most common being the "Is Someone You Know A Drug Addict?" things you can find just about anywhere in the world. Seemed like very templated writing to me.
> I dunno maybe I just paid too damn much attention in English class for my own damn good.
v How on earth did you find that thing?
^ IRC. .:17·49·23:. «DesuNova» http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200303/rauch
.:17·49·38:. «DesuNova» this perfectly describes me
< Up until fairly recently I, for whatever reason, never noticed there was a 'p' in raspberry.
V Have you ever made someone cry on purpose?
^ Umm can't say I have, I'm a very mellow person, except for when some one really pisses me off. I have fought a few people and bloodied them up but they all took it with out any tears.
> :punch:
v Wanna fight?
^ No
< I am a lover not a fighter
V do you want a lover?
^ Depends, are you a guy or a girl? :bingo:
> Bah! It doesn't matter, I can go both ways. :beautiful:
v Spare some change? :payup:
^ sure howmuch?
< fuckin freeloaders
v is there any one out there that actually gives a rats ass about something?
^ I give a rats ass about something
>But it usually doesn't concern the rest of society
v What is the meaning of life? Why pray to god? If he/she/it has made the world with certain defined physical laws then why would he change all that for just one pitiful prayer? And if he/she/it exists and created the world with evolution, wouldn't our purpose just be to fuck, teach the kid to do the same when he/she comes of age and then die? And because I'm not that great genes, should I just go kill myself as I have no reason to live but for my survival?
^ Cut those off. Eat pizza. Drink water.
> gonna sleep soon
V Do you like Spartans?