^<V Above, you, below

^ damn straight, an now that I'm home brewing the party never stops^^
< Should probably stop
V should i stop?
^ Neither. I hate the taste of alcohol.
< I don't mind drugs much, but I do look down upon and ridicule drug users. Yes, alcohol and cigarette addicts too, to some extent.
v Isn't it obvious that drug addiction is asinine and a clear sign of weak-mindedness?
(note that I speak of addiction, not the casual drinking of alcohol)
^ On the one hand yes, but on the other is a definite no.
This link -----> Clickme
Contains a mildly informative and kinda fun way of understanding the various ways drugs mess with your neurological system.
In closing i will say drug addiction is bad for your health but not necessarily a sigh of weak mindedness.
< Hey don't look at me like that....I'm not an addict^^
v What was the last drug you had?
^ Caffeine. I'm horribly addicted to it.
< Sure, chemicals are what makes you addicted to something, but becoming addicted is asinine and breaking the addiction is about will.
v Do you sleep accoring to a schedual?
^ yea but its very mild. tachikoma is the talking mini tank in Ghost in the Shell.
< im sleepy maybe i should take a nap
v do you take naps? if so how often?
^ no not very often, my house mate on the other hand has a siesta(nap) once or twice a day, ironically we live on Siesta Crescent^^
< I'm sleepy, maybe i should go to bed, gotta get up for work at 5 in the morning :(
v Do you work? if so what do you do?
^ I'm a private SAT (standardized test that nearly all prospective college/university students take in the states) tutor (specialty is math ^^)
< ahhh i just missed my first class of the quarter (slept in)
v do you go to school? what do you study or want to study?
^ I study linguistics, I wanna study linguistics some more.
< I find language endlessly interesting
V Can you speak any language other than english?
^ Swedish? I don't speak them, but I understand finnish, norweigan, danish, icelandic and japanese to some extent.
< I'm bored.
v What's your prime interest, outside the world of anime, manga and such?
^ Does gaming count as such? If so I guess it would have to be language, bizarre-natural phenomena (including weird-ass animals) and military history (in that order)
< I also enjoy cooking
V You're about to be put to death for...uhm...murder or whatnot and you get a "last meal" anything you want. What will it be?
^ Human flesh.
< Just to spite the world.
v Do you know any programming language? If not, which would you like to learn the most?
^ Nope, but I'm interested in C++.
< This site is cool
v What is the one place in the world you would love to visit?
^ Japan (duh =D, Amsterdam is a close 2nd though I've already been there ;))
< Today was a good day.
v How often do you crossdress?
^ No i haven't, the idea sounds out of place.
< Don't think i ever will but who can tell..
v Isn't yaoi shota fun?
^ no, not fun at all.
< Each to their own though.
v What is the meaning of life?
^ Blood, guts, gore and violence in general thank you.
< o_o
v Are you tainted?