^<V Above, you, below

^ 100% prime human being
< Cut up and cooked with potatoes, I can feed over 100 hungry soldiers
V Would you kill your best friend to save your mother's life?
^yes. sure it might not be easy to make friends but there is only one mother.
<but I dont have a "best" friend anyway.
vgot a "best" friend?
^ Killed him to save my mother's life.
< She was hungry.
v Are you content with your current life?
^ Presently somewhat; mostly "I like where this is going"; i tend to live mostly for the future (which is sorta the role of a student)
< I wear a watch
V Do you wear a watch?
^ Sometimes.
< All titanium and manly. Self winding too.
v Do you enjoy violence? Anything other than 'yes' as an answer is a lie.
^ Well of course I do
< Everyone likes violence once and awhile
V Shaved or hairy "private parts"?
^ The peninator lives in a forest.
< Tried shaving once way back, cut myself and never did it again.
v What's the thing you've done that you regret the most?
^ Breaking up with my ex gf
< She has 4 million dollars :sigh:
V Who do you hate the most?
^ hate is such a strong word, but i dislike those who are rude, condescending, retarded and have no class (who wouldn't). i think they're commonly referred to as assholes though that word covers a broader range of people.
< Denamic: do not shave, just mow the lawn, it makes the tree look mightier
v have you ever had a std ?
^ Nope. I only spread joy.
< Make my tree look even mightier? No thanks; I want my girls to stay conscious until after we're done.
v Have you ever 'loved' anyone. As in romantic love, not family love.
^ Once, but I was in puberty back then.
< Dessie isn't here, I'm sure. Aren't you bored of him yet?
v I'm obviously the sexiest one here.
It's so obvious that I may as well just state the answer and skip the question altogether.
^ Why thank you!
< Your ..dessie is no match for my glorious presence, obviously.
v Do you play old/older games?
^ Seldom
< grabs Koto and drags back to Hongfire
V XXX... How much X is too much X?
^ sleep deprived always
< Never sleepin, always partying
V Sleep to much?
^ 6 hrs a day, i could always use some more but thats what sunday is for =o
< grr, these next two months will determine the next 3 years or so of my life
v when you're not spending your time at Akiba, what do you normally do instead?
^ masturbation ( a lot )
< I am 4 days without water in my home because of a a trouble in the water supply of my neighborhood ...
v does anybody know how to removing a stain of sperm from the keyboard without needing to use water?
^ you can lick it clean LOL
< Thats just gross HAHA
V What sports do you play?
^Well I do surfing... Internet surfing that is...(Densha Otoko)
<I'm not really a big fan of sports I mostly only like the 1 on 1 non team sports like boxing, tennis, badminton, and if they count ping pong and bowling. (I dont like teams).
vHow about you?
^Ever since a hit I took playing soccer (what the US calls the game known as football everywhere else) ended up costing me $1,600(US) because I broke a tooth and needed a root canal I kinda been off sports.
<The sports question seemed to kill this thread for a few days...
vWanna Cookie?