LOL, i just seen this thread now ..... well .....
finished games: all the Warcraft issues, except WOW (i don't play online games with my slow line ..... if you shoot me in an online game, i probably get the notice 15 minutes after, LOL) , American McGee's Alice, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Farcry, Sniper Elite, Halo2, Fable, almost all the versions of Wolfenstein, Quake, Hexen, Resident Evil and so on, Obscure, Bioshock, Syberia, Conflict Denied, Hellgate London, ARMA, Elder Scrolls, World in Conflict, Call of Duty 2 and 3, Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid, Hitman, Grim Fandango, Combat Flight Simulator, Empire Earth 3, Gears of War ..... and some others i actually don't recall in mind the correct names
actually, playing occasionally Call of Duty 4 and Jericho (few free time), and trying to get a working way for start Assassin's Creed without hangs on the pc (NEVER used a console ..... who need a console with a good pc ?

..... and, ofcourse, always looking for any other decent game that can become available (personally i prefer strategy / conquest games, but not too much really good in this field ..... and hate all the soccer / ski / cars / pseudo sports ones
