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  1. D

    Rise n shine

    I set my cell and put it far from the bed. When it rings (One winged angel), I get up and turn it off. Then I go back to the bed and sit on it for about 5 minutes. Then I dress, eat and go to work. Might nap a bit at work though. Usually, I spend most of my day at work watching anime on my PSP...
  2. D

    hi fetish otaku and ok? (oh and im new)

    My fetish is making people cry.
  3. D


    Voluntary circumcision; Sure, if you really want to. Ritualistic circumcision at a young age when you are unable to give consent, or just involuntary circumcision in general; Fuck no. People who do that to infants should be kicked till they're up to date.
  4. D


    Logic states there have to be more leechers than there are seeders. After all, without someone to upload to, you can't be a seeder. But rather than saying there is too many leechers, I think it's better to say there's not enough seeders. As with all things, moderation is key.
  5. D

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    Everyone's bicurious. To deny it means you're probably gay.
  6. D

    area 51

    chompy's a mid-boss at best.
  7. D

    spelling errors: how many is too many?

    Orthography is a beautiful thing. People should appreciate it.
  8. D

    Playstation 3

    Only reason I'm getting a PS3 is because of Disgaea 3 and Final Fantasy CMXXVII
  9. D

    area 51

    I have the one with chompy in a leather string as my wallpaper.
  10. D

    learning Japanese?

    'tis mine. That's the closest server to me that doesn't suck, and it shows about 2/3 of my highest possible speeds. Wish I had a bigger uplink. Let's stay on-topic from now.
  11. D

    spelling errors: how many is too many?

    That isn't any spelling error, that is spelling murder. Generally, though, I'd say one error is too much. But if the speller in question actually made an effort spelling it and the error is just an honest mistake or a missed keystroke, I forgive them. The moment someone starts spelling with...
  12. D


    Our admin is lazy and has his monkeys do all the slave labour.
  13. D


    Pills do not make your dick grow bigger. Exercises do not make your dick grow bigger. Pumps and other ridiculous crap like that do not make your dick grow bigger. Pills that make your dick grow bigger are as likely to exist as pills that make your nose or ears grow bigger. Why do people keep...
  14. D

    Best bankai?

    No, 'bankai' literally means 'final release', and it refers to the second released form of a shinigami's zanpakutou. The sword that doubles the weight of anything it cuts is not a bankai, and the hollow mask is unrelated to any bankai. It's just him using his innate hollow power that he...
  15. D

    learning Japanese?

    Using anime to learn is fine. It's the same as using the TV and internet to learn english, which is what I did. Think it worked out alright, considering my vocabulary and grammar is superior to many native english speakers.
  16. D

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    Well, that was one post too much.
  17. D


    Well, because we're among the top 5000 websites on the internet and that we literally get millions of hits every day. It's only expected that some leeches become interested in our success. No wonder they're jealous.
  18. D

    雲のむこう、約束の場所 - Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho

    Please name your threads properly. You should name them according to the contents, especially in the case of downloads and torrents.
  19. D

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    I assume he wasn't serious simply because it's ridiculous. Otherwise, it's a rather quick ban.
  20. D


    That's because they're pros at misinformation. They could probably convince someone that sex causes brain damage.
  21. D

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    Well, they're fun to toss.
  22. D


    The effort it took him to create all those threads versus the 3 or 4 clicks it took me to delete all his posts and ban him makes a beautiful contrast.
  23. D


    It's true.
  24. D


    And sort of fun.
  25. D


    This is when the mass spam deletion function is so useful. Purge all posts of a specific user and perma ban him all in one fell swoop.
  26. D

    Boob scale

    This pre-dates the last attachment corruption, which is why it doesn't exist on this forum anymore.
  27. D

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    Well, I found it amusing.
  28. D


    Just indulge yourself instead. Takes less effort and is more enjoyable. That's why the dark side's so much better.
  29. D


    Yeah, but you shouldn't be too alarmed by such things. Normally, you can masturbate multiple times per day without any repercussions. Those are all abnormal cases.
  30. D


    Mutations occur. Just because your brothers have thick hair doesn't mean you will. Masturbation really has no effect on your physical appearance, other than perhaps an obvious look of relief on your face directly after the act.
  31. D


    Your hair is thinning because you're getting old.
  32. D

    Which P2P applications do you use regularly?

    I use azureus. It might 'hog' some 200 MB of my memory, but what do I care? It's just 5% of it. I'm a bit sad to see DC didn't even make it on that list. It used to be the biggest of them all.
  33. D

    How can a fat guy get to fuck a lovely lady ?

    The belief that fat guys can't get pretty girls is an untrue stereotype. Appearance doesn't account for much more than initial attraction. It's what's inside that makes for successful relationships. After all, if she hates your guts, it's likely the relationship is doomed regardless of your...
  34. D

    Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

    Well, okay. Don't misunderstand though, I'm not hurt or otherwise offended. I just have no.. opinion block. As in I'm often very blunt in how I speak. People tend to mistake that as being emotional or sometimes even offensive, though that's not my intention. I wouldn't call myself unfriendly...
  35. D

    Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

    Why must people take my half-assed analogies in their simplicity as everything there is to what I'm saying. You're not seeing the broader spectrum. Most people don't; they don't even look at it. My entire point is that hyperdistribution spreads products and businesses profit from it. Instead...
  36. D

    Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

    "in the end, distribution is more important than sales for a company's success." Distribution IS success. If you use it right. Let's say I had a great product for sale. How many would buy it? No one would, until I advertise it. Now, lets say I had the same product given away for free, and have...
  37. D

    Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

    In terms of making money, spreading your product is far more important than selling your product.
  38. D

    Hizashi no naka no Real
  39. D

    DS games
  40. D

    Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

    Well, someone has to post opinions about it if someone else is to read them. Arguments are good. Arguments keeps our minds and opinions sharp.
  41. D

    Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

    Any extreme of anything could, and probably should, be considered a bad thing. I'm not saying people should stop buying stuff. I mean, I'm a pirate without reservation. If I want it, I download it. However, I still buy all the games I deem worth it that I can afford. Even if I wasn't a pirate, I...
  42. D

    Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

    It is the topic. Agreed. That 'research' research, or plain old browsing? If it's the latter, I've been doing it longer. Techincally true, but nothing that makes a difference in this particular matter. Man, I know that. Common sense should have let you know I meant TV outside of Japan...
  43. D

    Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

    Anime wouldn't be playing on TV if it wasn't for piracy. Piracy spread it. Piracy incited it to go out to an international market. "well can't say for sure if its true.... " You can. All these years, all those billions wasted in fighting piracy. Has it helped any? And what about the movie and...
  44. D

    Japan's Adult Anime Industry in danger

    Piracy will not yield. The business world will have to adapt, as trying to fight it is just wasted money. It's survival of the fittest.
  45. D


    Well.. Not for guys. Unless you're having a really angry girl give you head. I suspect pain is in your near future in that case. Though, why she'd give you head in the first place if she's pissed off confuses me a bit. Maybe that's exactly why she's doing it? :petrfied:
  46. D


    I prefer my privates clear of any sharp objects.
  47. D

    Your most memorable movie.

    So, what's your most memorable movie? Not the best movie you've ever seen. The most memorable one. For me, it'd be a tie between Jurassic Park and Braindead. Jurassic Park because it left me in a gaping awe as I saw it in the cinema as a kid, and Braindead because it made almost roll on the...
  48. D


    Bigger than I already have would just be bothersome. So no.
  49. D

    Where are my messages, not find them. There's your posts. Only Youtube videos can be integrated in posts. At least for now. ss9q2OZRjag Like so.
  50. D

    Hentai PC RPGs and fighting games wanted.

    Brave Soul and Battle Raper are the only ones in that category I can think of in that genre. H-games aren't really my thing.