JAV Gossips

So, the very things that scarred her, it seems, are popular genres in the industry she ended up in.
I know I might be shots fired even thought I hate to say this is the true. Brainwashing, volunteer/consent, contract obligation, money, fame, attention, etc. she sounds like she hates it, but also likes it. There are cases of real victims growing an addiction to past pain. its definitely not everyone. it's like youre dating someone else, but keep rmemebering some happy moments of your horrible ex. I don't know if her boyfriends hurt her or distrust her or its her problem with being faithful. She's not going to read this anyway, but it's like everyone is doing it, so it's a norm and okay. She's not the only one facing these problems. Girls can become more old fashion and self aware of the problem from an outsider perspective when they're older especially when they're losing fame with surplus of competitions. You always see regretful girls trying to retaliate at the av industry or end up homeless working in soap parlor. Heck, just a while back there was a news article that compile a list of famous HK category 3 nude stars and former pageants that range from marrying rich to becoming a superstar like shuqi despite still receiving harassments from fans and real sexual harassment from directors that haunts her. some end up working at McDonald's and becoming a nun. Not everyone can have the top bargain like sora aoi.

I imagined some sick directors still have the same mindset, morality, and cultural background as the old school sexploitation film niche. In the past decade, it's very popular with even very pure vanilla studios and labels join in the r*** and molesting series involving public train, school girls, housewives, and milfs. Heck, there's even a a lot real life cases involving regular idols, av idols, or just regular school teens that happens to be influenced by fans watching av or vice versa for av nowadays replicating real life harassment cases. I know not everyone will commit the crime, but this genre does sell well. It's getting bigger than ever. Back in sora aoi days, you hardly see her peers and her doing anything too rough and crazy, but now girls after filming a few movies after their debut are subjected to film at least one r***, harassment, or similar title every other month. It's a confusing issues. I'm not going to preach, but it's these kind of things that scare foreigners to always go wtf Japan. Prude or not, sometimes is very weird. very heavy pedophile attractions like loli anime product, maid cafe, and More can be a fun joke in anime or game show and not definitely not very harmful especially for casually fans that are sane and meta aware and not try to be overly enthusiastic and awkward weeb Virgin or outright creepy old middle age man.

Despite all the bad news and cases happening with av, it's still going strong. Sometimes, the surplus of negativity, suspension of disbelief(goddesses/whores have no private lives and families), or just distrust them(discrimination). Didn't sakurai aya still trying to get the culprit apprehended, but the defendant argues its consent?
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A wave of negative (some neutral) news:
- Wave of HIV blood test enforcement, the earlier HIV positive case is causing a lot of doubt and suspicion in the industry, and pushing some idols to thoughts of retirement. The disclosed facts hinted that enforcement failure, the infected AV performer managed to keep making films for some months despite not having blood test papers. Now enforcement of monthly HIV test is definitely upped. If the filming is to be done "raw" (no condom) then all performers must present test result from within a week.

- Chinami Ito 伊東ちなみ all vids have been removed from shop (including DMM) shelves. Reason is unknown.

- Rion's agency finally gave offical reason of her retirement: she doesn't want to make AV anymore. I know it's not much but that's the official word, if anyone wants to discuss, pls go to Rion's thread.

- Koharu Suzuki 鈴木心春 reappears on social media, and says she has mental disease and wants to die. She also has almost no money and no income. But she doesn't want to go back to AV or any kind of adult industry. Collecting all her own past writings: she grew up suffering domestic violence from her father. As a young girl, she suffered molestation on trains. And as result she was always uncomfortable with people and crowds and ran away from home and school many times. She wanted an caring and gentle boyfriend but feel mentally exhausted when actually with a boyfriend, so never able to hold on to a relationship. Now she is having difficulty sleeping and regularly taking a lot of sleeping pills.

- 桐谷まつり Matsuri Kiritani will graduate from SOD in her last SOD vid in January. I can only hope this is not the beginning of the end for her.

- More retirements:
S1 contract girl Noa Mizuhara 水原乃亜 retires after only 8 months in the industry.
2012 veteran Karen Uehara 上原花恋 retires with un-banning of anal sex.
Aki Sasaki 佐々木あき also retires, already discussed in some depth in her own thread.
See what you started, ding!

Wow Koharu Suzuki is a complete mess. I was wondering what happened to her after hearing nothing from her for a bit. If she needs to quit AV to get herself right then so be it. I'd rather never see her release another movie knowing she's got her mental and physical state in check.
She needs money. Didn't she jump to prostitution after her abrupt retirement news? She sound like a girl that should have never join if she can't handle it either if its for the desperate money, revenge, loneliness, or other reasons.
See what you started, ding!

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Not trying to start a war or be a total downer. There's some many ways and side to see it for girls like koharu, her fans, and her coworker, agent, manager, etc. I know some will going to say who cares? Why over think and analyze? They're whore with std and not humans. Or She could be just be a lying, manipulating, evil for attentions and a gold digger. Av is always a confusing area because they're some passionate good looking guys and girls working in it and millions enjoys it. It's very easy to just ignore, enjoy and take it simple as what they want fans to see like on their socials. Nothing about themselves outside of their typical sweet av goddess persona at av events regarding their private lives and work ethic/moral consent. The more these juicy scandals gets leak out, it just put a bad vibe on things for a while until you forget and ignore it in a few days until the next time something big hits you again. Playno1 just play with your mood with promotion, minor gossip, to outright depressing scandals one after another. It's not always about illegal filming, drug arrest, but it's still like damn. The same with tokyoreporter and apple daily always cooking up some wtf news relating to sex, av, or plain old swindling benefits. It's a job that thrives on the hate to survive by marketing and catering to people guilty pleasure in getting baited to read those articles. The more happy or can be sad to certain people kind of news are the ones that's about av idols getting marrieds pregnant, or other kind of wishful events/s weep involvement regarding their retirement instead of just fade away like rion. Even in the olden blog days, there's a final post update for closure.

Reality and fantasy. Gotta need to distinguish them as fans. Enjoying sick stuffs doesn't make them bad, but will definitely draw questionable eye rolls when being expose. I could see why there's the need for the mask and mosaic without getting ridicule by family, friends, and coworkers for showing up at events in Asia even copslay gaming ones as weebs.

I could imagine lonely guy looking for something to pirate to enjoy in their private lone time don't think about av idols, pornstars, or cam girls ass normal relatable human we see from day to day. It's distance, it's an scripted stage act, and weirdly satsisfying in a not sinful way unless its not a relatable issue or involve someone they knew.
Well, it's still Japan here and I don't think they're too sensitive or pc. It's over victimizing and out of context stuffs that place trump in office without repercussions. Too much preaching and feeling bad for the girls will place us on a road to be going antiAv. It will sound like all av actors and guys working all bad and end up envying and hating them like some translated playno1 guys' posts and piracy forum websites comments. You keep seeing some dudes say they'll protect and treasure girls like koharu and pity her like sjw keyboard warrior without knowing her or the context. They're not doing her any favors or support and its just troubling themselves for working up feelings of inferior and insecurity.

Anyway, we talked about av piracy in general before and av idols issue before. It's like we like the girl then we should buy their DVD and merch to support them to continue and av industry as a whole, but then depressing news like that kicks in makes us wonder if we should even if we can. I mean the r*** and torture Won't leave as long as it sells and under consent. Most girls are not going to refuse since theyre too young to comprehend the foreseeable effects + everyone is doinging it. They tone down school girl and outdoor, but found ways to continue doing them obscurely and under more censorship. No names uncensored can still thrive. These girls will film whatever to stay on the top under competitions and when compared with other newbies. Even shimiken said girls get used up and abandon in favor of new ones. It's an endless cylcle. Some girls just did it for the fan attention instead of desperate for money. Some want to get back at their family or ex for being religious prudes in a fit of rage via freind or scouting.

It's like we went from old school softcore sexplotation category 3 films, playboys, to real dirty and cruel roughy that's not just happy vanilla acting. I'm just one guy stating harsh reality from what I've seen in news article.some true might be exaggerated to favor the victims like movies based in them, but it's out there. It's hard being an public figure/av goddess/sex icon that Thrives on love and hate from their social fan bases. It's like one fan see them swallow a bunch of ugly fans, malnorished midget grandpa/shotas, or engage in interacial orgy, then it make them easy to hit and grope without consent. Fans or actors, there are good and bad ones. Even shimiken married normal and kept his family out of the limelight while he be the perfect lovable sex experts showing up in debuts and help sex toy market sell more. The jay chou look alike is kind of a wannabe musican who's also married with kids and show up at events to kind of rub it that he gets to have sex with your goddess while married with a normal life. Guess he dont mind going all out, but will not married a whore like Tyrion says in GoT.
And I left out one big (and negative) news:
Mid-November, uncensored AV studio "BBQ" boss and 須田雅人 and partner (former AV idol) 桜田さくら were arrested for filming and uploading to paid-site AV without mosiac. Police release information that 須田雅人 had been making uncensored AV since 2014, in these 4 years he's made about 50 vids and obtained payment total about 63 million yens.

Playno1 mentioned that typical punishment for similar crime is no more than about a month in prison and a fine. It's not a huge punishment but still... if more and more people in the industry were arrested and punished, it count accumulate a serious effect on the whole uncensored (underground) industry.

In another news, some stats: in recent 8 months period, 136 AV performers have applied to delist a total of almost 4000 vids. Of these, 111 women were successful, resulting in delisting of 1635 vids. Other vids (almost 1000) also got some kind of treatment (removing performer's name) and still other were (presumably) still in consideration process. Only a tiny tiny fraction 167 vids out of 4000 were rejected outright (remains on sale)
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So, the very things that scarred her, it seems, are popular genres in the industry she ended up in.
Very astute!
- Sexual assaults on trains is real, and even common, I think Japan and India are the only "real" countries still can't or won't stamp out such problem. Even Russia and Cuba, I think, don't have such problems.
- Sexual assaults on trains, domestic abuse, and similar genres not only are popular in Japan, but actually make maybe half of Koharu's own filmography. The kind of things that Koharu implied ruined her life, she perform for the thousands to watch and masturbate. She especially often play as r*** victim in high school uniforms.

KAWD-807s.jpg SSNI-150s.jpg KAWD-912s.jpg KAWD-885s.jpg
What go thru her head when she perform for the camera orgasmic squirting when r***ing by train molesters?

Even madder, is her career, with so much aimed at customers who are fantasizing sexual assault, is she promoting an atmosphere that such things are tolerated?
Even madder, is her career, with so much aimed at customers who are fantasizing sexual assault, is she promoting an atmosphere that such things are tolerated?
I don't think so, not any more than, for example, violent video games. These r*** dramas are just a way to cater to a popular but mostly unspoken kink. If someone actually wants to commit sexual assault, porn won't cut it.
I don't think so, not any more than, for example, violent video games. These r*** dramas are just a way to cater to a popular but mostly unspoken kink. If someone actually wants to commit sexual assault, porn won't cut it.
People that commit such crimes are not normal. They're not. Some who isn't normal can see a title like that and think, 'See, people do that. I can do that. I will do that." It happens I would have to think.
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Is these thing that make you question av working style and should we support it since we don't have the power to care about it because pure discussion that will be forgotten in a few days. We have celebrities that talked about producers and business investing partners that abuse their powers for sexual favors and sometimes rough r*** that's cover up for years until the metoo movement, which nowadays die down with all the false and random accusations of gold diggers and prudes. In av, it makes you questions what goes on behind the actors, actresses, directors, etc minds? Do they know sometimes it is wrong or going too far? Or they're numb to it because its consent and its not their own family members. There's even bts that's very awkward like the superheroine one where's there cuts between the angle of the r***. At the end the girls are smiling doing mock intervenes. The same for those amateur bus specials, the guys are all having fun with their goddess and its a fling and nothing too serious. They could be nice guys that seriously worship them or don't take them as a serious girl that can date seriously. I mean for sora aoi, shame of sex being seen by family, friends, and current/ex doesn't bother her and the money, fame, and attentions really satisfy her. Shimiken might satisfy her more and she might even fantasize about her past sex relationship despite having a spouse. In koharu's case, one can speculate she's been manipulating/brainwash and intro to the industry by someone she knew via their agent, want to get rid of the past pain by doing more of it(I know some people hate pain physically and mentally, but grown to be addicted to it like drugs and can't live without it/self pain inflictions are real), and of Course there's so many factors that goes in to it.
There's public transit harassment everywhere especially in Asia where it's part of the daily news, but only Japan is wiling to make real sexual intercourse r*** movies. News only blow up when a tourist get attacked like in India or Philipine. There's a few gaijin vlogging you tubers that posted their esperience of getting grope while filming or doing a livestream chat in Japan. The law maybe strict, but the whole culture is weird for themselves. There's very traditional and nice kind people as well as yakuza with drug and sex trade that make constant headline. Av is just an extra layer to everything.

A crowdfunding campaign ... Did she spend all her money since she's in the US ? Or I guess she doesn't have any health insurance like tons of americans. But when you need surgery, people are in trouble and can't afford it. I'm self employed and without even paying for a complementary health insurance, I have a social security coverage (paid through the taxes I pay) and for medical care, it covers 70% of all fees related surgery.
Not a smart move from her. Still, cancer sucks and I hope for her she will recover from it.
A crowdfunding campaign ... Did she spend all her money since she's in the US ? Or I guess she doesn't have any health insurance like tons of americans. But when you need surgery, people are in trouble and can't afford it. I'm self employed and without even paying for a complementary health insurance, I have a social security coverage (paid through the taxes I pay) and for medical care, it covers 70% of all fees related surgery.
Not a smart move from her. Still, cancer sucks and I hope for her she will recover from it.
Maybe she goes by paycheck. She keep posting daily blogs on YouTube that's probably edited by her "bf". Idk if its her pimp or manager, but he seems to follow her a lot like vrbf and feature in some if her bbc bts.
Don't know how serious it is. I guess if there's fans that willing to donate some then I guess she could capitalize on it. I've seen pornstars asking their sheeps to help pay for implant to their family's surgery, family's funerals, or a new car/insurance after an accident.
I've seen pornstars asking their sheeps to help pay for implant to their family's surgery, family's funerals, or a new car/insurance after an accident.
Really ? After that, you can see some really good campaigns not getting enough money, that's sad.