JAV VR: News, comments about releases, recommendations, hardware

You have summarized everything perfectly, I don't have much to contribute. My criticism is that the introduction lasts forever, and as you say the sex is only 20 minutes, and the sex positions only last 3 minutes. I miss more kisses, more interaction of the actress, and a little more passion and realism. I love the introductions, they give sense and excitement to the movies, but not at the cost of cutting the sex scenes, because they want to cram everything into 60 minutes.

The problem here is the director, because we must not forget that it is a debut in VR, and she probably has no idea what to do. In VR there is a very high percentage of movies with newcomers, because incomprehensibly many actresses only shoot one VR, and we never see them again. And in most of these debuts it seems that the actresses are left to their own, because they don't know what to do, or they don't do anything at all, hence the boring and mechanical sex.

Is anyone asking for this angle in 2025? I have noticed that also other studios now include this angle more again side by side with the expected missionary

Exactly, that prehistoric missionary is coming back. That ties into the thread of my complaints that VR is being shot from further and further away.
When I watched western VR and subscribed to SexLikeReal, some years ago, Alex Nash shot the most immersive VRs (he's the only one who knows how to shoot VR outside Japan). And when he placed the camera up close on missionaries or kissing, people complained that the camera was too close and they couldn't see anything. They have no idea what VR is.
My theory is that as VR has become more mainstream, filled with casual users who use the headset once a month and they don't understand what VR is,, they demand VR to be the same as 2D flat porn. When the camera is close as they're not used to VR, they complain. And the same thing is happening now in Japan.

That's why the camera is getting further and further away, that's why VR is less and less “feel” and more and more just look, and that's why it's getting more like 2D porn with guys on screen, and with extreme and weird movies. It is becoming less “real” and less “virtual”. It devolves to the old 3D TVs.

In contrast to @Walle12 I still believe in Unfinished but maybe I'm naive at this point

I hope I am wrong and you are absolutely right.
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Since @Tana_vak discovered Topaz Video AI to me, I've been experimenting with VR movie enhancements by IA for a few weeks now, and I'm very happy with the results, to the point that I've paid the 300 euros /dollars it costs.

Until now I thought the video AI only worked in the cloud, or that the result was very artificial, seeing what other people have uploaded. And in any case until a few months ago I had no hardware to be able to use it. Topaz Video AI has surprised me because it runs on local and improves definition, removes noise and image blur caused by Fanza's pathetic VR bitrate. Also corrects blur, aliasing, halos, etc. And looks natural.

I have used it in these 4 cases:

+Convert 4K VR to 8K VR and improve bitrate.
+Upgrade native 8K VR to remove low bitrate artefacts.
+Super slow motion 8X in specific scenes (WOW!)
+Old 2K and 4K VR at 30 fps and with a lot of blur, upgraded to 8K at 60 fps with deblur (WOW!)

In all cases, I noticed a significant improvement. The 4K VRs of a few years ago I see them at the level of Fanza's native 8K, with a tad less resolution but clean image and no noise or dirty image, so I prefer them.
The most brutal improvements are obtained in 4K VR upscaled to 8K, I notice a lot of improvement with my hardware that allows me to apply 2X supersampling to 8K videos, and MSAA filter. So basically I'm playing at 16K....

I have uploaded an example, an old 4K VR of that goddess called Suzumori Remu, which originally came out defective, it looked blurry. I've converted it to 8K by increasing the definition and cleaning up the image noise with Topaz Video AI's Artemis, and a second pass to refine it a bit with Proteus. Topaz has 7 or 8 AIs, with different objectives. Iris enhances faces, Rhea upscales 4X, etc. But the best results I have achieved with Artemis, in all cases.

I have uploaded the original version, file ORG.MP4, and the enhanced version, AI.MP4. As we all know in 2D all VRs look good, in VR the hits and misses are magnified, so please try it in VR and tell me if you notice little, a lot or no improvement. It's 30 seconds of video and takes up little, 700 MB.

Keep in mind that the original version is in Fisheye format, as it is how A Festa published their Takumi versions a few years ago, which are of the highest quality:


To watch it correctly in your player, in the format section, you have to select Fisheye. In HereSphere:


Note that the AI enhanced version has a bitrate of 180 Mbps. If you are streaming to Quest or Pico you need a fast connection. Play it locally, it only takes up 700 MB. Please tell me if a bitrate of 180 Mpbs plays well on standalone, like Quest.

Here is the video. Unzip the ZIP. The password is: topaz

AI enhaced VR sample (Filejoker) (Free download, scroll down). Beware, the link expires in 30 days.

If you want to try, Topaz Video AI requires very powerful hardware, above RTX 3000 if you don't want to spend a lot of time with 4K and 8K videos. With my RTX 4070 Ti Super with the Artemis AI, upscale 4K to 8K 60fps and clean it, I get 1.8 fps, so a 15 minutes video takes about 8 or 9 hours with the PC running at 100%... For the results I'm getting, for me it's worth it.

Topaz Video AI has a demo with no limitations, although it adds a huge watermark in the middle of the video, but it's good for testing. It's worth trying, if you have the hardware.
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Overall bit rate : 400 Mb/s

Oh, WOW!!! Either it's a glitch, or it's a record... 400 Mbps!! Did you download it?!!!!
Until recently SLR's Japanese VRs could not be downloaded, only watched in streaming.... Do they now allow to download them? It seems very strange to me, being a studio that only publishes in Fanza with DRM...
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That's why the camera is getting further and further away, that's why VR is less and less “feel” and more and more just look, and that's why it's getting more like 2D porn with guys on screen, and with extreme and weird movies. It is becoming less “real” and less “virtual”. It devolves to the old 3D TVs.
Very well summarized. For some reason only a minority of consumers seems to appreciate this about VR.

I have uploaded an example, an old 4K VR of that goddess called Suzumori Remu, which originally came out defective, it looked blurry.
The AI still struggles with details in the background and some of it looks artifical but given how bad it looked in the original you can't expect too much. Also the original has some sort of chromatic aberration or whatever it is, seen at the edge of some of the furnitures for example and it carries over to the upscaled version. The girl itself (skin, face) gets a big improvement and is now rather pleasant to look at. The AI is very good at stuff with close proximity to you which is obviously what matters the most to us. I guess the stuff close to the camera carries much more information/pixels and so the AI can improve it more.

Insane improvements, awesome. The original was unwatchable and extremly blurry. I'd say now it is ok, and if I were a super fan of Suzumori Remu I would be pleased to be finally able to enjoy this release.

I have also experimented with Topaz and now have also upscaled my first movie, VRKM-575 with Yoshioka Hiyori
She has retired a while ago so no 8k movies exists with her and this one is not perfect but imo the best VR we got with her. For this release I have simply applied Artemis 2x so upscaled to 8k. While the improvements are not as radical as your example to me in practice it makes a huge difference. I haven't watched her VRs in a while simply because they are 4k and have the shortcomings we are all aware of. But now it gives a new perspective on this release and it's fun to watch again and that's what matters to me in the end.

I've converted it to 8K by increasing the definition and cleaning up the image noise with Topaz Video AI's Artemis, and a second pass to refine it a bit with Proteus.
Besides that any tricks for defective releases you can share? Because you gave me the idea to try this next on 3DSVR-1522-A which is one of the many SOD fails. It is unwatchable and pixelated and I want to see how much it can be improved with Topaz.

Note that the AI enhanced version has a bitrate of 180 Mbps. If you are streaming to Quest or Pico you need a fast connection. Play it locally, it only takes up 700 MB. Please tell me if a bitrate of 180 Mpbs plays well on standalone, like Quest.
I have a decent WiFi network but 180 Mbps is still hit or miss. Sometimes it works without a problem and sometimes it starts to buffer. I prefer 120 Mbps which works without a problem. For the sample it's no problem, I can just pause it for two seconds to buffer in advance and it's fine.

With my RTX 4070 Ti Super with the Artemis AI, upscale 4K to 8K 60fps and clean it, I get 1.8 fps, so a 15 minutes video takes about 8 or 9 hours with the PC running at 100%...
I think you can still optimize it further with your GPU or you have more going on like a second enhancement? I get around 1.7-1.8 fps with an RX 6800. The RTX 4070 Ti Super should be like 2.3-2.8 fps. Check if you have pushed your RAM speed to the max which can make a huge difference. I've read that it can increase speed by 10-20% and it is bascially free performance as long as your system runs stable. Besides that check if you process the file on an HDD or your system SSD and try to close background apps. I've found this comparisson and this is only a RTX 4070

Overall bit rate : 400 Mb/s
Crazy. It's good that they offer different 8k options like we were asking for in this thread all the time but in this case they should also offer something inbetween. 400 Mbits sounds way beyond the threshold of what is perceivable.
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Oh, WOW!!! Either it's a glitch, or it's a record... 400 Mbps!! Did you download it?!!!!
Until recently SLR's Japanese VRs could not be downloaded, only watched in streaming.... Do they now allow to download them? It seems very strange to me, being a studio that only publishes in Fanza with DRM...
I'm not using Sexlikereal.
I downloaded one of them through other channels.
Over 200GB, takes up too much hard disk.
Edit into Quest 3, playback is lagging.
Not yet played on a computer to test smoothness
Most of the downloadable movies
Only offer 4K ORIGINAL.

Not all Japanese studios are available for download.
Some of them require additional purchase, only up to 4K.
Streaming-only in SLR App or DeoVR

The video is very clear.
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Well, I think it's gotten out of hand, ha ha.... I started by doing what you say, changing “sister” or “daughter”. But there were still dialogues centered on that, so I started to change plots by adding phrases and situations that excite me... :P

Surprisingly, it works for me, because if I watch a movie from a few months ago I don't remember what I wrote or the original subtitles, and the invented stuff fits, and it's much more exciting for me...

An example is the joke I posted yesterday. I suppose the VR is about something related to a school and its female students, so I change it to:

It's about a washing machine manufacturer in despair because clothes shrink when they are washed, with no known reason.... :p

View attachment 3639637

I would probably come up with a plot where the washing machine manufacturer's female employees try on the clothes to find out why they shrink....

“Please boss, check if the skirt also shrinks in the back...”:

View attachment 3639638


It's just a stupid example, since my plots are usually realistic, but there are movies that I have changed completely. Especially in what they say in the sex scenes, where the phrases are usually always the same... I use dirty phrases and expressions that turn me on.
It works for me, it excites me much more... :p

I don't generate subtitles for all movies, only for the ones I really like, and in most of them I just change a few sentences that I don't like, or they cut my immersion. I only change the whole plot in some special titles, because it takes time. I replace the original sentences with others of a similar length, and it works for me.
I've tried this, but it doesn't work so well for me if I've created the dialogue myself. I guess my brain needs the additional stimulus provided by being surprised by it. If I create it myself, it's as if I've already experienced it. lol
Very well summarized. For some reason only a minority of consumers seems to appreciate this about VR.

I don't understand it. VR offers you something unique and magical: “feeling” the girls, having them inches away from your face, seeing even the pores of their skin, really living the fantasy that you have made love with an unreachable woman.... And people prefer to watch in VR a guy on screen making out with the girl (more are coming), or VRs where the camera is 1 or 2 meters away, and the only thing you do is watch...
I don't wear a headset on my head to watch... That's not VR. But that's what we are moving towards.

The AI still struggles with details in the background and some of it looks artifical but given how bad it looked in the original you can't expect too much

Yes, the AI sometimes gets artifacts or aliasing on the far edges, but it's very good in the center and middle distance, which is what matters.
For me the key is that it allows me to enjoy movies that were unwatchable, like that Remu one. Just by removing all the noise, blur and low bitrate dirt, it improves any movie in VR, just for that alone it's worth it.

She has retired a while ago so no 8k movies exists with her and this one is not perfect but imo the best VR we got with her. For this release I have simply applied Artemis 2x so upscaled to 8k.

A very pretty actress, a pity her VRs were not very good. The one you are converting is the best. I'm doing the same, converting to 8K actresses who have retired, and whose VRs look not so good..
I do that, Artemix 2X, and they already look great.

Besides that any tricks for defective releases you can share? Because you gave me the idea to try this next on 3DSVR-1522-A which is one of the many SOD fails. It is unwatchable and pixelated and I want to see how much it can be improved with Topaz.

DSVR-1522 has the same bug as Ena Satsuki's VR that A Festa fixed when I told them about it. It is pixelated. I bought it too but didn't tell A Festa, and I regret it. Since it looks so pixelated, you will probably have to use an AI with an anti-aliasing /moire option, such as Proteus or Rhea.

I don't have a general rule, except to use Artemis for everything, because it gives the best definition, and cleans all the noise out of the image. Every movie is a world and things that go well in one, fail in another, or the other way around.
What I do is to apply Artemis to a 15 or 30 second test. If it doesn't look the way I want, I do a second pass or use two AI's at the same time, with Proteus, which lets you adjust parameters like adding detail, deblur, dehalo, etc, depending on the problem with the video.
That works 80% of the time, but sometimes I change Proteus for Rhea or Theia. You have to go movie by movie.

The RTX 4070 Ti Super should be like 2.3-2.8 fps.

Yes, I know, and it's driving me crazy. I should get a lot more out of it. I've set Windows 11 to max performance, I use an MSI app to get maximum performance on my card, in the BIOS everything is maxed out.... I don't know what more I can do. I've asked on the Topaz forum, but haven't gotten much help. I have 32 GB of RAM.

In performance tests my CPU is always at 100%, and the GPU varies between 30-70%, so I have come to the conclusion that my CPU is the bottleneck. I have a good gaming CPU, Ryzen 7 5700X3D, but it is not good for video tasks because it has a low clock speed, it is only good for gaming, which uses its 3D cache memory. Still I think I should get more performance, but I don't see the way. It is very frustrating...

What CPU do yo use with the RX 6800? What are the Mhz of your RAM?
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I've tried this, but it doesn't work so well for me if I've created the dialogue myself. I guess my brain needs the additional stimulus provided by being surprised by it. If I create it myself, it's as if I've already experienced it. lol

Ha Ha, it happens to me too sometimes. What I do is to adapt several movies in a row, and wait a few days or weeks to watch them. Then I don't remember what I wrote. Try watching it in a while... The key is to not think you wrote it, and focus on the fact that the girls are saying just that. If what you've written is believable and fits with what you're watching on screen, it works for me

So, have you been able to translate the movies with the method I explained to you?
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DSVR-1522 has the same bug as Ena Satsuki's VR that A Festa fixed when I told them about it. It is pixelated. I bought it too but didn't tell A Festa, and I regret it. Since it looks so pixelated, you will probably have to use an AI with an anti-aliasing /moire option, such as Proteus or Rhea.
This one is tricky. I have tried to create samples but so far no luck and it still looks terrible. No idea if it can be fixed but I will try again later today.

Yes, I know, and it's driving me crazy. I should get a lot more out of it. I've set Windows 11 to max performance, I use an MSI app to get maximum performance on my card, in the BIOS everything is maxed out.... I don't know what more I can do. I've asked on the Topaz forum, but haven't gotten much help. I have 32 GB of RAM.

In performance tests my CPU is always at 100%, and the GPU varies between 30-70%, so I have come to the conclusion that my CPU is the bottleneck. I have a good gaming CPU, Ryzen 7 5700X3D, but it is not good for video tasks because it has a low clock speed, it is only good for gaming, which uses its 3D cache memory. Still I think I should get more performance, but I don't see the way. It is very frustrating...
I think it depends on the AI model you are using. I have the most experience so far with Artemis 2x. For that it isn't normal that your CPU is at 100%. For me it is the opposite, GPU is around 95-100% and CPU around 40-70%. So in your case I'm pretty sure your CPU is the problem and is like you say bottlenecking the GPU. Some tips:
- For your CPU the 5700X3D you can't really effectivly overclock it like other CPUs or in other words increase clock speed. Rather you should try to use the Precise Boost Overdrive mode / PBO feature and see if your CPU is still stable with -30 (maximum) and if not try -20 and so on.
- For RAM you should look to decrease timings not increase clockspeeds, so for example if you have a DDR4-3200 CL16-18-18-38 kit you should try to reduce the numbers after the CL not increase the 3200MT/s. I have a kit with DDR5-6000, CL30-36-36 XMP timings but was able to clock it down in the bios to DDR5-6000, CL28-36-36

Overall I don't thing that any amount of trick and tinkering will fix all your problems but upgrading will be expensive. For the 5900X/5950X you will lose gaming performance but gain Topaz/productivity performance. Or upgrading to AM5 which will be an overall improvement for all tasks with the right CPU is very expensive.
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This one is tricky. I have tried to create samples but so far no luck and it still looks terrible. No idea if it can be fixed but I will try again later today.

Seems difficult. I don't see any AI that focuses on pixelated videos. Maybe you should ask in the Topaz Video AI forum.

- For your CPU the 5700X3D you can't really effectivly overclock it like other CPUs or in other words increase clock speed. Rather you should try to use the Precise Boost Overdrive mode / PBO feature and see if your CPU is still stable with -30 (maximum) and if not try -20 and so on.
- For RAM you should look to decrease timings not increase clockspeeds, so for example if you have a DDR4-3200 CL16-18-18-38 kit you should try to reduce the numbers after the CL not increase the 3200MT/s. I have a kit with DDR5-6000, CL30-36-36 XMP timings but was able to clock it down in the bios to DDR5-6000, CL28-36-36

I don't know where I can adjust the PBO in the CPU, in the BIOS or with an app?

Yesterday I was looking in the BIOS and checked the memory (DDR4 at 3,600 Mhz) and there was only one option for timings. I don't see how to choose another one...

Ideally, I should upgrade the PC, (minus the graphics card), but if I upgrade to the new generation (DDR5 memory, PCIe 5) I have to change everything (motherboard, processor, memory), and right now that's a lot of money I'm not going to spend. I bought the graphics card just 3 months ago, and the processor 6 months ago.

Cooling is not the problem, I have good dissipation, after 12 hours with Topaz the CPU is at 45 degrees Celsius and the GPU at 70 degrees.

Yesterday I was looking at everything again and I found an Asus performance improvement option in the BIOS and now with Artemis from 4K to 8K instead of 1.7 or 1.8 fps goes to 1.9, and has peaks at 2, 2.5 even 4 fps, although they last a short time. But something has improved. But it's still far from what it could achieve.
After a long time, new VR of Aozora Hikari, within the Channel line of SOD VR, dedicated to their exclusive actresses.
Directed by Yazawa Receive, it lasts 148 minutes, but they are loose scenes without any connection, the typical movie that tries to please everyone and pleases no one. I won't buy it. Between oil scene, nurse scene, f***rced sex scene, and hand-held camera scene, I'm going to have 20 usable minutes left.

3DSVR-1710 March 27

Untitled 1.jpg

@2dxxxisdead new VR with the wonderful Minazuki Hikaru. Unfortunately it is with SAVR, so forget about a decent missionary.... :(

SAVR-620 April 5
Untitled 2.jpg
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Ha Ha, it happens to me too sometimes. What I do is to adapt several movies in a row, and wait a few days or weeks to watch them. Then I don't remember what I wrote. Try watching it in a while... The key is to not think you wrote it, and focus on the fact that the girls are saying just that. If what you've written is believable and fits with what you're watching on screen, it works for me

So, have you been able to translate the movies with the method I explained to you?
Yeah, it's working well. The subtitle edit application isn't one I was aware of. It really includes a lot of functionality that's quite useful. I've used it to edit out the really goofy stuff AI occasionally comes up with, and add in a little embellishment as well. I appreciate the recommendation.
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In need inspiration from you guys. What is everyones favorite Mori Hinako VR release before she has changed how she looks?

Because if I compare how she looks now to a few years ago it is night and day

I think she was really cute in like 2021-2022. What is everyones favorite releases from her from that time?
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In need inspiration from you guys. What is everyones favorite Mori Hinako VR release before she has changed how she looks?

Another sad case like Tenma Yui.... They were perfect in their natural state, and now they have become someone else.... Erika Ozaki is going the same way...

From Mori Hinako I've only watched her VRs until she got plastic boobs, I haven't watched anything from her in years.
My favorites go back to 2020 or 2021....

Last scene of URVRSP-142


Last scene of AJVR-151


VRKM-263, She wears some lingerie


The only trio I like is SAVR-152, not because of the movie which is typical SAVR, but because she's with Minami Kozue, who is another actress I love, and unfortunately she doesn't have a decent VR.


Make the AI work, and enjoy the movies... ;)
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After a long time, new VR of Aozora Hikari, within the Channel line of SOD VR, dedicated to their exclusive actresses.
Directed by Yazawa Receive, it lasts 148 minutes, but they are loose scenes without any connection, the typical movie that tries to please everyone and pleases no one. I won't buy it. Between oil scene, nurse scene, f***rced sex scene, and hand-held camera scene, I'm going to have 20 usable minutes left.

3DSVR-1710 March 27

View attachment 3641610

@2dxxxisdead new VR with the wonderful Minazuki Hikaru. Unfortunately it is with SAVR, so forget about a decent missionary.... :(

SAVR-620 April 5
View attachment 3641611
Dammit, I liked Aozora Hikari and was wondering why she was absent from VR for so long...
In need inspiration from you guys. What is everyones favorite Mori Hinako VR release before she has changed how she looks?

Because if I compare how she looks now to a few years ago it is night and day
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I think she was really cute in like 2021-2022. What is everyones favorite releases from her from that time?
Oh, got quite a few that I really liked.

3P with Kinoshita Himari. Beautiful outfits and backdrop. 2 Lovely slim ladies, 1 fair and the other mildly tanned so there's a pleasant contrast. This is a threesome I absolutely want to be part of.

A study session where you're the only guy turns into a orgy that is only marred slightly by the presence of Yayoi Mizuki (ugh, take your tits elsewhere please). Most harems titles tend to have a daisy chain of girls on your dick but not this one. There is at least one roughly 15 minute scene dedicated completely to each individual girl although the girls are always there in the background being lewd, and the Mori Hinako one is glorious. She's just so delightfully saucy and horny in this one. No missionary in this one. Its all cowgirl or face-to-face cowgirl only.

I mostly only watch Hinako's clip, and sometimes Shirato Hana's. The rest, not so much. I like Momose Asuka but she won't shut up about being your imouto and that can be either very disturbing or quite erotic depending on how you roll...not judging.

Yes, another harem vid. Sexy maids in sexy lingerie giving you their complete attention. This one does the daisy chain routine but I really don't care. Unlike the previous clip, there's no girl I actually dislike even if I tend to favor both Ichika and Hinako. Oka Erina is another standout cutie with juicy butt. There's just so much eye candy everywhere that I'm not even sure where to look. This is a VR to get lost in but might not be for everyone. You have to like harem titles.

The guy was already erect and dribbling pre-cum at the start of the video when the girls were just introducing themselves and haven't even touched him yet. Can't blame him, I mean you would be too if you were right in the center of this cluster of cuties. That's Oka Erina and Nagisa Mitsuki just off to the side.

Sorry, another harem. And its by KMP at that but they didn't skimp on this particular production. Its has 252 minutes of playtime. You're a teacher who, in some bizarre scenario, marries 5 of his female students at once. How is this possible? Shut up! Just enjoy the honeymoon.

Outside of the harem scenes, there's quite a lot of solo or 3P playtime simply cos of its long length. So yeah, you do get sexy time with Hinako on her own for about 40 minutes. If you're gonna pay for a KMP title on Afesta, it might as well be this one. Damned good value.


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Nagahama Mitsuri finally has her first VR for 2025. Wasn't too happy at first to see a nurse costume but its not set in a hospital so I guess I'm OK with that.

IPVR-303 - 28 March
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These days, the most immersive and realistic movies in VR are from Madonna VR. They are top of top.
Today they announced two new titles featuring two beautiful and sexy mature women.

I didn't know that Takeuchi Yuki is now a Madonna actress. A very intense slender woman, her performances are very believable.

JUVR-222 March 28
Untitled 1.jpg

She has a rubber body, she writhes and stretches as she wants....

Untitled 2.jpg


In the other VR we have Toono Miho, another impressive body. In this movie she plays a sexy private tutor...

JUVR-225 March 28

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Untitled 51.jpg

Untitled 41.jpg
Another sad case like Tenma Yui.... They were perfect in their natural state, and now they have become someone else.... Erika Ozaki is going the same way...
It is a shame but fortunately it only happens in a few cases in JAV. Regarding this I have always wondered what is going on with Momonaga Sarina. She has changed quite a bit. Not sure if she ever was 100% natural but since a year or two her face has changed too much for my taste

My favorites go back to 2020 or 2021....
Oh, got quite a few that I really liked.
Thanks for your recommendations. Let's see how well the 4k Takumi releases of her can be improved with the AI.

These days, the most immersive and realistic movies in VR are from Madonna VR. They are top of top.
Today they announced two new titles featuring two beautiful and sexy mature women.
My favorite studio of 2025, not even close. The only premium studio that seems to care about picture quality on FANZA, btw. the recent JUVR-223 has over 40mbits on all parts. Can't remember it's ever been that high. Besides that they are very consistent when it comes to angles, quality storytelling and immersion. They also care about their lineup and treat them with respect. A good example of this is the last VR of Mariko Sata. This is how you say goodbye. Other studios could and should learn a lot from Madonna. You can also tell that many of their actresses really enjoy their work. I hope they keep this up.

I didn't know that Takeuchi Yuki is now a Madonna actress. A very intense slender woman, her performances are very believable.
Oh nice, very good news. I believed that she had retired which would be a big loss. For me this release has Top 10 potential, let's see how it turns out.
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