Any of you guys experiment with sound editing to improve the audio quality for machine translation? I'm not super knowledgeable about the subject, but I have been able to get slightly better results with some basic editing tricks with Audacity/Wavepad/etc. It seems to me that it would be possible that if someone knew what they were doing, they could improve the audio to such an extent that they could get substantially better results when machine translating, like possibly to the point where you're able to get most of the dialogue. If anyone here has any tips, they would be much appreciated.
I've been trying hard with Audacity for a year. Trying to find the right settings. It's frustrating but I had some success.
Obvious, we don't have the state-of-the-art equipment music engineers or movie studios uses.
They could easily isolate and get what's needed.
1. Isolate. Sometimes the actress will moan just before she say something.
Best case#1: Maybe you can hear part of the dialog with your earphones on and fake the rest
Best case#2 Isolate the moaning before the dialog. Then increase the volume of the dialog. It has worked for me in the past.
2. Background music. Such a pain I agree. Sometimes it cute to hear however lol. Clearly, it's done in post production and the editor is an idiot for carrying the music over the dialog.
Some are actually good with stopping it just short of the dialog. Others let it bleed in too much.
Best case#1 Ignore it. Try to gather what you can from the scene and fake it. But keep it simple.
Best case#2 I simply suck at advice #1. That's where Imscully shines the most
. So for me, I try to Isolate the background noise and increase the volume of the words that sounds familiar.
Maybe it helps. Maybe it don't haha
There are cheats I used. I sometime notice Chinese subs will have dialog of the same words or phrase and I try to figure what made them arrive to those words. Was it the scene or maybe they heard something I didn't. This often helps me.
3. Old school hentai. Actually some of your old school cartoon porn have dialog or words fully translated and it's real Japanese. So I borrow them. OR they give me an idea to what's being said.
I do this method a lot too.
Just pick an old school hentai that is similar to the movie you're translating and hopefully it can help.
4. Just ask for help. I have some Japanese friends online and they have really help me... but I never give them specifics to the nature of the questions. Deceitful? Kinda, yeah. But I don't want to offend.
Best case #1 Write down the words, the lines, the dialogs for using next time.
Why??? Because JAV uses almost 90% of the same dialogue, even if the movies/setting/ is different.
5. Low talking or muffle sounds. Annoying af. Sometime passion takes over and the actress moans or screams her lines, so really it tough.
The men are the worse. Their mumbling really is more annoying. It's best they stay quiet lol
Best case#1 I have no real answer for this, unless you fake most of the dialog. It really can't be help most of the time.
Best case#2 You can ignore it, which sucks because you feel like you failed. It's a tough decision for those serious about subbing. Like me.
Best case#3 Increase the volume. Wear your ears and hopefully you can find some words. That's it.
Honestly, don't feel discourage. Many, many subs that looks good and follow the scenes aren't 100% accurate.
A site I won't name, the administer do weekly subs, the subs looks very good, they follow the scenes... but many of the dialog is inaccurate or missing. They simply stretch the previous dialog to cover the rest.
Ex: Using "fillers" like 'so... 'uh... 'um... or etc. Sometime the word hontō 'really' is used a lot even when it's not present. It seems to be a good "conversation filler" when 2 people are talking(background) but the main character is talking or thinking out loud.
Anyways I talk to much, good luck