What's ur greatest fear?

Now fear would be someone walking in on me watching junior stuff while I am spanking the monkey, this is not going to happen but the thought of it isn't pretty. Brrrrrr, chilling thought that one is.
That's animal abuse and for sure something that might make the headlines of Animal Planet. Scary indeed!
losing my Hentai and JAV collection, like i once did back in 2004 when i move to my new place XD
Getting caught while surfing for porn while at work...

You should find a job that entails surfing for porn! :perfectplan:

Like companies/organizations that hosts porn sites? Then I will change my fear to become... "Not having enough time to download all the porn in the servers..."
Getting caught while surfing for porn while at work...

Maybe you don't know but the network guys can monitor each and every packet transmitted and know each and every site you've visited.

If I were you I wont browse the interwebs for porn or anything not work safe.
Outside world people.

Really now, those things are fucking scary. Cross the street to avoid them.
I avoid streets, I'm safe from the outside world in my basement.
Outside world people.

Really now, those things are fucking scary. Cross the street to avoid them.

I avoid streets, I'm safe from the outside world in my basement.

Good to know I'm not the only "indoor" person here. I'm pretty rattled by new people and strangers (and, no, I'm not a dog; but if I was, I would be a husky).
...I'm afraid of others' blood o__o

Good thing you are not a vampire, mosquito, flea or a leech. Isn't it always nice to have something to be glad about?

Life pisses me off. Somedays it is like trying to run through a sea of mud.
...I'm afraid of others' blood o__o

I used to know a phlebotomist who was the exact opposite. He could sit and take blood samples all day long, but if he ever had to give one (or got a cut or scrape) he just couldn't stand the sight of his own blood.

Life pisses me off. Somedays it is like trying to run through a sea of mud.

Why so serious? :puzzled:

I hope you feel better. Its never fun to be knee deep in muck.
Why so serious? :puzzled:

I hope you feel better. Its never fun to be knee deep in muck.

Paranoid Schizophrenia. It is one of the reasons I like this thread so much, "misery loves company". I was seeing a shrink but I couldn't trust him, lol. I hate fear but I understand it well as I am intimate with it, ( I am very familiar with anxiety and panic as well). For me, when the fear is bad, every movement I make is like swimming against the tide.

Not that I am complaining. Everybody has their problems and difficulties in life. We all have our crosses to bear in one form or another. This thread is a reaffirmation of that as well. Fear affects many aspects of our life, for some more than others. For the most part I think that we endure. I also endure.
I was seeing a shrink but I couldn't trust him, lol

I went through several docs before getting to one I felt I could actually trust. Psychologists only, I'll never trust a psychiatrist (aka "pill pusher") again! :sick:

It is one of the reasons I like this thread so much, "misery loves company".

Well, I'll share another one of mine then. I can't leave uncovered, unsealed, or open drinks or foods alone, because I'm afraid someone will put something in them. There are very few exceptions to this rule. If I'm home, by myself, and the door is locked, its fine to leave things and come back to them. Certain longtime friends and immediate family I can trust. If I'm around people I only "kind of" know, I can't do it. If I have an open soda or water at work, it has to come with me everywhere because I don't trust any of those people.

If I go to get groceries and pick up hot food on the way home (by that, I mean "fast" non sealed food) I have to bring the hot food in by itself, lock the door when I leave to get the other stuff, and continue unlocking and re-locking my apartment door until everything is safely inside. If I don't lock the door, someone will run inside and tamper with my food.

I realize how stupid that sounds. And despite KNOWING that its just not true, I continue to throw away nominal amounts of food or drinks that leave my line of sight for even fractional periods of time. Even if its just a minute, i'll come back, see the item, realize what i've done, and have a mini-panic attack :omg:

Most of the stuff nowadays gets thrown because I get a big head and start thinking, "not this time, I'm done being that way", and 5 minutes later whatever it was goes straight in the trash (or recycling bin if applicable, I'm not a monster for fucks sake!).

Despite this, I've managed to maintain a fairly convincing veneer of a sane person.
been misunderstood and sandpaper
been misunderstood and sandpaper


Now that is original. I don't suppose you might want to elaborate on that?
just the way it feels i can barely touch but the worse thing is i do some wood carving and a bitof eigineering awhile back i avoided it as much as i could and wore thick gloves if i did use it. it kinda runs in the family my sister is scared of tin foil and my brother of baking parchment