Search results

  1. D

    Hentai PC RPGs and fighting games wanted.

    Jeanne d'Arc is a great tactical turnbased RPG.
  2. D

    Why am I not receiving email notification of new PMs?

    Well, actually, AO doesn't have an e-mail server. It's mostly there to screw with your minds. (and because a certain someone haven't set one up yet) Suckers!
  3. D

    Can you see my Current Profile Picture?

    Your profile picture works fine. I think you want to change your signature if you want it to appear on your posts.
  4. D

    Hello everibody

    Actually, we have a whole section for that. That's what The Lounge is for.
  5. D


    That does warrant some measure of respect, however. She's clawing her way forward using her own strength. Though it's by more or less questionable means, most people aren't capable of that.
  6. D

    Picture uploads corrupted

    It also has never happened to me. Might be because of latency or something. I sense php fuckup.
  7. D


    Maybe she's an attention seeking exhibitionist.
  8. D

    A funny story I found on the internet

    This is either refreshing honesty or very good satire. 's good either way.
  9. D

    What games are you playing?

    Good choice. I've played and replayed Okami for the PS2, and I can tell you it's one of the few games that are well worth the money.
  10. D


    It's so pitiful it's funny.
  11. D

    Weird news from Japan

    "I found it funny and kind of sad that the official score was declared 9 - 0, rather than 66 - 0, in order to spare the losing team the humiliation." Doesn't that rather add to the humiliation, when you're so pitiful that they even change the scores out of sheer pity?
  12. D

    What games are you playing?

    Team Fortress 2. It is awesome. Should have bought it at launch.
  13. D

    Moving Day (3)

    Deleted, as he's nowhere to be found and only he knows the password. Then again, he probably know what the password was supposed to be, but I wouldn't be surprised if he misspelled it.
  14. D

    Random musings on real-life Japanese girls and women

    The way I do it is simply befriend a female and stuff happens. Sometimes even before I notice it's even happening. Not so much now that I have a girlfriend.. hopefully.
  15. D

    Random musings on real-life Japanese girls and women

    At least you can have close relationships without ending up in bed. Uh.. Well, I guess you do that to, but you know what I mean.
  16. D

    Test your Hentai knowlege !

    Not quite. 'Nekos' is not a as much a japenese term as it is an english bastardisation of the word 'Neko'. The general japanese term for humanoids with animal features is 'Kemono', which means 'beast'. Humanoids with just ears and few other animal features are usually referred to as...
  17. D


    Well, I didn't see that coming a mile away.
  18. D

    learning Japanese?

    Actually, do use it. It'll be amusing at least. Unless you've got common sense.
  19. D

    Todays Pirate?

    Hard to say.. Japan has more pirates total, but Sweden has a higher pirate per person ratio. Sweden's also currently experiencing a rather huge bandwidth boost with the relatively new 100Mbit option. The problem is that most smaller cities don't have a 100% fibre avability, especially in villa...
  20. D

    For the first time...

    Not to mention virgins suck in bed.
  21. D


    Your name says otherwise.
  22. D


    Hmm.. I.. have absolutely no idea. On any of the points. I've been doing it since forever. Improper? How much here is proper? I won't close down anything, unless it's a blatant flamefest, or a bad torrent post. And even then, I'd keep it open for a while just to see what happens.
  23. D

    What games are you playing?

    Chrono Cross!
  24. D

    Hey Hey

    Depends on my supply of coffee.
  25. D

    Hey Hey

    Hi, I'm your God.
  26. D

    ScanLover hacked?

    Of course it isn't. It never was down in the first place. The date in huge bold letters that was saying it's the first of april was actually a link to the real site.
  27. D


    Files you download with bittorrent are the same as any other file on your computer. I advice you go read this guide: It can probably answer most of your questions.
  28. D

    learning Japanese?

    That's the one feature with iTunes I actually like. The fact it has a built in accessibility to a large database of podcasts. Always use winamp for anything sound related. Have been using it since ever, and always will. Good suggestion though. Listening to japanese podcasts is a form of forced...
  29. D


    You misspelled 'Hello'.
  30. D

    New post wait?

    And no major time paradox or rift in the time/space continuum. Hopefully.
  31. D

    wrong date ???

    Guess the system time on the server itself is just off. chompy will just need to set it, or compensate with the forum software.
  32. D

    wrong date ???

    Then I don't know.
  33. D

    wrong date ???

    Check your timezone settings at
  34. D

    New Server

    Sweet, sweet speed, I have waited for you. The downside is that I no longer have time for lunch between loading pages.
  35. D

    New post wait?

    Woah. I think you searched just before chompy turned back time. The forum clock was some 16 hours ahead, and I suppose that was one of the drawbacks of turning it back.
  36. D

    Permanent forum shutdown.

    You obviously don't know me. Schadenfreude is my middle name.
  37. D

    Permanent forum shutdown.

    You totally bought it.
  38. D

    Permanent forum shutdown.

    I regret to inform you that the brittish government has exposed chompy, the admin and owner of this forum, as a criminal. This means the forum will be shut down very soon, and will remain down indefinitely; how long depends on chompy's sentence. Another unfortunate thing is that the forum...
  39. D

    What games are you playing?

    Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSX for the nth time.
  40. D

    Javtalk down?

    Forums.. They tend to murder servers. If not, it's the server providers that tend to attempt murder on the forum. Forums have it hard.
  41. D

    Ever got a nosebleed cause you were aroused?

    When you're aroused, your heart will start beating faster, which will in turn increase your blood pressure. And if you've got frail and/or shallow blood veins in your nasal cavity, one of them might burst. And you leak.
  42. D

    Ever tried stopping?

    I tried. Went around 4 weeks. Then I came to my senses and thought: "Why?"
  43. D

    Faster, new look, new features

    Huh.. It's fine for me.
  44. D

    Look how cool i am thread

    This thing plays everything at a very high framerate. I love it and call it Rozy. Yes, I name my computers. It amuses me.
  45. D

    The Force Unleashed

    Screw life. I want this.
  46. D

    Soft Delete visitor messages

    True story. I only hard delete my own fuckups to hide evidence that points to the posibility that I may be flawed somehow. (I'm not, of course.)
  47. D

    A landmark

    We'd be in the 6 digits if we counted all the guests that doesn't register. Nice anyways.
  48. D

    What`s your downloding speed and how much do you pay for it ?

    Actually, 24/1 or 20/3 is pretty much as the DSL technology of today allows. Of course, it can do more, but it'd put a lot of stress on the lines with many people using it at once. With fibre, bandwidth is not an issue anymore, so it's both much faster and cheaper.
  49. D

    What`s your downloding speed and how much do you pay for it ?

    That's Mbit. A megabit is different from a megabyte. Downloading at 16 Mbit, at least here in Sweden, commonplace. Through fibre, we get 100Mbit unlimited for around 33€. With DSL through the phone lines, we get 24Mbit unlimited for around 35€. That's after our 25% tax. I'm still on...