^ 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 Heres the first 50, i could write millions, but that would just be retarded I'll just add a link instead 4Million
< All this Pi is making me thirsty, gotta wait for the beer to chill though
v How good is beer?
^ not yet...the closest thing would be imported saké ,but that's like wine.
< Hell ,i used to like wine. Not anymore though. Beer and booze nowadays..
v What's your favorite drink?
^ Swords or guns?
< Tough one, since I don't really care either way. As long as there's blood. And limbs.
v Could you live in a world without violence?
^I live in a desert country. It gets almost 50c in summer.
<It still didnt get very hot but winter is over and the sun is strong.
vwould you rather get castrated or r***ing by men?
^ Nil.
< Moderating is overrated. Except for the obvious increase in e-peen size, there's not much to it, other than work.
v Do you want to be a moderator?